Markus Reindl
Markus Reindl
Professor of Experimental Neurology, Medical University of Innsbruck
Patvirtintas el. paštas
A clinical approach to diagnosis of autoimmune encephalitis
F Graus, MJ Titulaer, R Balu, S Benseler, CG Bien, T Cellucci, I Cortese, ...
The lancet neurology 15 (4), 391-404, 2016
Toll-like receptor 4 polymorphisms and atherogenesis
S Kiechl, E Lorenz, M Reindl, CJ Wiedermann, F Oberhollenzer, E Bonora, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 347 (3), 185-192, 2002
MOG-IgG in NMO and related disorders: a multicenter study of 50 patients. Part 2: epidemiology, clinical presentation, radiological and laboratory features, treatment responses …
S Jarius, K Ruprecht, I Kleiter, N Borisow, N Asgari, K Pitarokoili, F Pache, ...
Journal of neuroinflammation 13, 1-45, 2016
Antimyelin antibodies as a predictor of clinically definite multiple sclerosis after a first demyelinating event
T Berger, P Rubner, F Schautzer, R Egg, H Ulmer, I Mayringer, E Dilitz, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 349 (2), 139-145, 2003
Toll‐like receptor 4 is required for α‐synuclein dependent activation of microglia and astroglia
L Fellner, R Irschick, K Schanda, M Reindl, L Klimaschewski, W Poewe, ...
Glia 61 (3), 349-360, 2013
Diagnosis of myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-associated disease: International MOGAD Panel proposed criteria
B Banwell, JL Bennett, R Marignier, HJ Kim, F Brilot, EP Flanagan, ...
The Lancet Neurology 22 (3), 268-282, 2023
Neuromyelitis optica: pathogenicity of patient immunoglobulin in vivo
M Bradl, T Misu, T Takahashi, M Watanabe, S Mader, M Reindl, ...
Annals of Neurology: Official Journal of the American Neurological …, 2009
Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibodies in neurological disease
M Reindl, P Waters
Nature Reviews Neurology 15 (2), 89-102, 2019
Overlapping demyelinating syndromes and anti–N‐methyl‐D‐aspartate receptor encephalitis
MJ Titulaer, R Höftberger, T Iizuka, F Leypoldt, L McCracken, T Cellucci, ...
Annals of neurology 75 (3), 411-428, 2014
Antibody to aquaporin-4 in the long-term course of neuromyelitis optica
S Jarius, F Aboul-Enein, P Waters, B Kuenz, A Hauser, T Berger, W Lang, ...
Brain 131 (11), 3072-3080, 2008
Complement activating antibodies to myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein in neuromyelitis optica and related disorders
S Mader, V Gredler, K Schanda, K Rostasy, I Dujmovic, K Pfaller, ...
Journal of neuroinflammation 8, 1-14, 2011
Antibodies against the myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein and the myelin basic protein in multiple sclerosis and other neurological diseases: a comparative study
M Reindl, C Linington, U Brehm, R Egg, E Dilitz, F Deisenhammer, ...
Brain 122 (11), 2047-2056, 1999
Myelin-oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-associated disease
R Marignier, Y Hacohen, A Cobo-Calvo, AK Pröbstel, O Aktas, ...
The Lancet Neurology 20 (9), 762-772, 2021
MOG-IgG in NMO and related disorders: a multicenter study of 50 patients. Part 1: frequency, syndrome specificity, influence of disease activity, long-term course, association …
S Jarius, K Ruprecht, I Kleiter, N Borisow, N Asgari, K Pitarokoili, F Pache, ...
Journal of neuroinflammation 13, 1-16, 2016
The spectrum of MOG autoantibody-associated demyelinating diseases
M Reindl, F Di Pauli, K Rostásy, T Berger
Nature Reviews Neurology 9 (8), 455-461, 2013
MOG cell-based assay detects non-MS patients with inflammatory neurologic disease
P Waters, M Woodhall, KC O'Connor, M Reindl, B Lang, DK Sato, ...
Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation 2 (3), e89, 2015
Cellular aging reflected by leukocyte telomere length predicts advanced atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease risk
P Willeit, J Willeit, A Brandstätter, S Ehrlenbach, A Mayr, A Gasperi, ...
Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology 30 (8), 1649-1656, 2010
Prognostic relevance of MOG antibodies in children with an acquired demyelinating syndrome
EM Hennes, M Baumann, K Schanda, B Anlar, B Bajer-Kornek, ...
Neurology 89 (9), 900-908, 2017
Clinical and neuroradiological differences of paediatric acute disseminating encephalomyelitis with and without antibodies to the myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein
M Baumann, K Sahin, C Lechner, EM Hennes, K Schanda, S Mader, ...
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 86 (3), 265-272, 2015
Antibodies to MOG and AQP4 in adults with neuromyelitis optica and suspected limited forms of the disease
R Höftberger, M Sepulveda, T Armangue, Y Blanco, K Rostásy, ...
Multiple Sclerosis Journal 21 (7), 866-874, 2015
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