Bistra Andreeva
Bistra Andreeva
Professor of Phonetics and Phonology, Language Science and Technology, Saarland University
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Do rhythm measures tell us anything about language type
WJ Barry, B Andreeva, M Russo, S Dimitrova, T Kostadinova
Proceedings of the 15th ICPhS, 2693-2696, 2003
Cross-language similarities and differences in spontaneous speech patterns
W Barry, B Andreeva
Journal of the International Phonetic Association 31 (1), 51-66, 2001
Do rhythm measures reflect perceived rhythm?
W Barry, B Andreeva, J Koreman
Phonetica 66 (1-2), 78-94, 2009
Too cautious to vary more? A comparison of pitch variation in native and non-native productions of French and German speakers
F Zimmerer, J Jügler, B Andreeva, B Möbius, J Trouvain
Proceedings to the 7th Speech Prosody Conference. Trinity College Dublin …, 2014
Comparison of pitch range and pitch variation in Slavic and Germanic languages
B Andreeva, G Demenko, M Wolska, B Möbius, F Zimmerer, J Jügler, ...
Proceedings to the 7th Speech Prosody Conference. Trinity College Dublin …, 2014
The intonation of queries and checks across languages: data from Map Task dialogues
M Grice, R Benzmüller, M Savino, B Andreeva
Proceedings of the 13th international congress of phonetic sciences 3, 648-651, 1995
Differences of pitch profiles in Germanic and Slavic languages
B Andreeva, G Demenko, B Möbius, F Zimmerer, J Jügler, ...
INTERSPEECH, 1307-1311, 2014
Dimensions of segmental variability: Interaction of prosody and surprisal in six languages
Z Malisz, E Brandt, B Möbius, YM Oh, B Andreeva
Frontiers in Communication 3, 25, 2018
The bulgarian stressed and unstressed vowel system. a corpus study.
B Andreeva, WJ Barry, JC Koreman
INTERSPEECH, 345-348, 2013
Cross-language differences in the production of phrasal prominence in Norwegian and German
J Koreman, B Andreeva, WJ Barry, W Van Dommelen, R Sikveland, ...
Nordic Prosody X. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 139-150, 2009
Producing phrasal prominence in German
B Andreeva, WJ Barry, I Steiner
Designing a bilingual speech corpus for French and German language learners: a two-step process
C Fauth, A Bonneau, F Zimmerer, J Trouvain, B Andreeva, V Colotte, ...
LREC-9th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, 2014
The phonetic exponency of phrasal accentuation in French and German.
WJ Barry, B Andreeva, I Steiner
INTERSPEECH, 1010-1013, 2007
Impact of prosodic structure and information density on vowel space size
E Schulz, YM Oh, Z Malisz, B Andreeva, B Möbius
Proceedings of speech prosody 2016, 350-354, 2016
Zur Phonetik und Phonologie der Intonation in der Sofioter Varietät des Bulgarischen
B Andreeva
Local and global cues in the prosodic realization of broad and narrow focus in Bulgarian
B Andreeva, WJ Barry, J Koreman
Phonetica 73 (3-4), 256-278, 2017
Convergence of pitch accents in a shadowing task
I Gessinger, A Schweitzer, B Andreeva, E Raveh, B Möbius, I Steiner
International Conference on Speech Prosody, 225-229, 2018
Linkassociated and focus-associated accent patterns in Bulgarian
B Andreeva, T Avgustinova, WJ Barry
Current Issues in Formal Slavic Linguistics 5, 353-364, 2001
Annotation of German intonation: DIMA compared with other annotation systems
F Kügler, S Baumann, B Andreeva, B Braun, M Grice, J Neitsch, ...
19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences: Endangered Languages, and …, 2019
Speaker age effects on prosodic patterns in Bulgarian
S Dimitrova, B Andreeva, C Gabriel, J Grünke
Proceedings of Speech Prosody, 709-713, 2018
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