Marijn A. Boone
Marijn A. Boone
Tescan XRE
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Fast laboratory-based micro-computed tomography for pore-scale research: Illustrative experiments and perspectives on the future
T Bultreys, MA Boone, MN Boone, T De Schryver, B Masschaele, ...
Advances in water resources 95, 341-351, 2016
A pore-scale study of fracture dynamics in rock using X-ray micro-CT under ambient freeze–thaw cycling
T De Kock, MA Boone, T De Schryver, J Van Stappen, H Derluyn, ...
Environmental science & technology 49 (5), 2867-2874, 2015
4D imaging and quantification of pore structure modifications inside natural building stones by means of high resolution X-ray CT
J Dewanckele, T De Kock, MA Boone, V Cnudde, L Brabant, MN Boone, ...
Science of the total environment 416, 436-448, 2012
Accelerated carbonation of steel slag monoliths at low CO2 pressure–microstructure and strength development
P Nielsen, MA Boone, L Horckmans, R Snellings, M Quaghebeur
Journal of CO2 Utilization 36, 124-134, 2020
Relationship between wetting and capillary pressure in a crude oil/brine/rock system: From nano-scale to core-scale
M Rücker, WB Bartels, G Garfi, M Shams, T Bultreys, M Boone, S Pieterse, ...
Journal of colloid and interface science 562, 159-169, 2020
A novel beam hardening correction method requiring no prior knowledge, incorporated in an iterative reconstruction algorithm
L Brabant, E Pauwels, M Dierick, D Van Loo, MA Boone, ...
Ndt & E International 51, 68-73, 2012
3D mapping of water in oolithic limestone at atmospheric and vacuum saturation using X-ray micro-CT differential imaging
MA Boone, T De Kock, T Bultreys, G De Schutter, P Vontobel, ...
Materials Characterization 97, 150-160, 2014
Real‐time visualization of H aines jumps in sandstone with laboratory‐based microcomputed tomography
T Bultreys, MA Boone, MN Boone, T De Schryver, B Masschaele, ...
Water Resources Research 51 (10), 8668-8676, 2015
Monitoring of stainless-steel slag carbonation using X-ray computed microtomography
MA Boone, P Nielsen, T De Kock, MN Boone, M Quaghebeur, V Cnudde
Environmental science & technology 48 (1), 674-680, 2014
Using multiphase solid inclusions to constrain the origin of the Baima Fe–Ti–(V) oxide deposit, SW China
PP Liu, MF Zhou, WT Chen, M Boone, V Cnudde
Journal of Petrology 55 (5), 951-976, 2014
Investigating the relative permeability behavior of microporosity‐rich carbonates and tight sandstones with multiscale pore network models
T Bultreys, JV Stappen, TD Kock, WD Boever, MA Boone, LV Hoorebeke, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 121 (11), 7929-7945, 2016
High‐resolution X‐ray CT for 3D petrography of ferruginous sandstone for an investigation of building stone decay
V Cnudde, J Dewanckele, M Boone, T De Kock, M Boone, L Brabant, ...
Microscopy research and technique 74 (11), 1006-1017, 2011
Imaging spontaneous imbibition in full Darcy‐scale samples at pore‐scale resolution by fast X‐ray tomography
WB Bartels, M Rücker, M Boone, T Bultreys, H Mahani, S Berg, ...
Water Resources Research 55 (8), 7072-7085, 2019
Advanced X-ray CT scanning can boost tree ring research for earth system sciences
J Van den Bulcke, MA Boone, J Dhaene, D Van Loo, L Van Hoorebeke, ...
Annals of Botany 124 (5), 837-847, 2019
In Situ Triaxial Testing To Determine Fracture Permeability and Aperture Distribution for CO2 Sequestration in Svalbard, Norway
JF Van Stappen, R Meftah, MA Boone, T Bultreys, T De Kock, BK Blykers, ...
Environmental science & technology 52 (8), 4546-4554, 2018
Holistic approach of pre-existing flaws on the decay of two limestones
J Dewanckele, MA Boone, T De Kock, W De Boever, L Brabant, ...
Science of the Total Environment 447, 403-414, 2013
Innovations in laboratory‐based dynamic micro‐CT to accelerate in situ research
J Dewanckele, MA Boone, F Coppens, D Van Loo, AP Merkle
Journal of microscopy 277 (3), 197-209, 2020
Replacement stones for Lede stone in Belgian historical monuments
T De Kock, J Dewanckele, M Boone, G De Schutter, P Jacobs, V Cnudde
Novel injectable, self-gelling hydrogel–microparticle composites for bone regeneration consisting of gellan gum and calcium and magnesium carbonate microparticles
TEL Douglas, A Łapa, K Reczyńska, M Krok-Borkowicz, K Pietryga, ...
Biomedical Materials 11 (6), 065011, 2016
Three-dimensional phase separation and identification in granite
M Boone, J Dewanckele, M Boone, V Cnudde, G Silversmit, E Van Ranst, ...
Geosphere 7 (1), 79-86, 2011
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