Ghazala Shaheen
Ghazala Shaheen
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Zingiber officinale Roscoe (pharmacological activity)
K Ahmed, G Shaheen, HM Asif
J. Med. Plants Res 5 (3), 344-348, 2011
Elemental characterization of medicinal plants and soils from Hazarganji Chiltan National Park and nearby unprotected areas of Balochistan, Pakistan
S Anjum, ZA Bazai, S Rizwan, C Benincasa, K Mehmood, N Siddique, ...
Journal of oleo science 68 (5), 443-461, 2019
Phytosociology of the vanishing tropical dry deciduous forests in district Swabi, Pakistan. IA community analysis
F Hussain, M Ahmed, MJ Durani, G Shaheen
Pakistan journal of Botany 25, 51-51, 1993
Gene therapy: A review article
N Akhtar, M Akram, HM Asif, K Usmanghani, SM Ali Shah, SA Rao, ...
Fly1 J Med Plants Res 5 (10), 1812-7, 2011
Comparative analysis of essential oil contents of Juniperus excelsa (M. Beib.) found in Balochistan, Pakistan
MH Khajjak, AM Raza, MN Shawani, F Ahmed, G Shaheen, M Saeed
African Journal of Biotechnology 11 (32), 8154-8159, 2012
Phytosociology of the vanishing tropical deciduous forest in district Swabi, Pakistan. II. Ordination
F Hussain, M Ahmed, G Shaheen, MJ Durrant
Pak. J. Bot 26 (1), 149-160, 1994
Isolating soil-born fungi and determining their phytotoxicty against weeds in millet
N Azam, I Khan, M Shuaib, H Alsamadany, G Shaheen, F Jan, S Bahadur
Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 29 (3), 2055-2062, 2020
Chemical composition of traffic generated dust and its impact on human health with associated problems in quetta
SK Laghari, G Shaheen, G Bakish
Science Technology and Development (Islamabad) 32 (2), 154-164, 2013
Seasonal variation in nutritional and anti-nutritional components of native shrubs and trees grown in Hazargangi Chiltan National Park, Karkhasa and Zarghoon
G Shaheen
PhD Dissertation, 2009. Quetta: University of the Bolochistan, 2009
Monograph of Vaccinium macrocarpon
G Shaheen, I Ahmad, A Mehmood, N Akhter, K Usmanghani, T Shamim, ...
Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 5 (22), 5340-5346, 2011
Monograph of Tribulus terrestris
G Shaheen, I Ahmad, KUN Akhter, M Ahmad, S Sultana, M Akram
J Med Plants Res 6, 641, 2012
Monograph of Embelia ribes Burm. F
MI Khan, A Ahmed, M Akram, E Mohiuddin, K Usmanghani, S Ayaz, ...
African Journal of Plant Science 4 (12), 503-505, 2010
Allelopathic effects of important weeds on germination and growth of maize (Zea Mays L.)
S Mubarik, I Khan, RA Memon, G Shaheen
Pakistan Journal of Weed Science Research 21 (2), 2015
Clinical evaluation of herbal coded formulation CranAdvantage to Urixin in the treatment of Urinary tract infection
G Shaheen, K Usmanghani, HN andNaveed Akhtar
Pak. J. Pharm. Sci 28 (2), 557-559, 2015
Elemental composition of some arid environment fodder and medicinal plants of Quetta, Balochistan
MA Zaidi, G Shaheen, N Jehan, A Mansoor
Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan 32 (1), 71-77, 2010
Forage evaluation of Berberis baluchistanica used as fodder
G Shaheen, MA Zaidi, A Mansoor
International Jornual of Biology and Biotechnology 5, 149-154, 2008
Improving Productivity and Health Status of Lactating Zaraibi Goats with Echinacea Purpurea or/and Chamomile Flower Supplementation
AA Gabr, MI Ahmed, GF Shaheen, AGM Abdel-Gawad, OM Abdelsalam, ...
Journal of Animal and Poultry Production 14 (12), 157-165, 2023
Impact of different forms of selenium supplementation on growth and physiological performance of New Zealand white rabbits
KEME Moustafa, HM El-Hosseiny, GF Shaheen, EM El-Kotamy, ...
Tropical Animal Health and Production 56 (4), 131, 2024
Isolation and Characterization of Secondary Metabolites from a Killer and Antagonistic Yeast Strain, Y21-Bullera pseudoalba
MS Alam, G Shaheen, MH Hashmi, M Mushtaq
Chemistry of Natural Compounds 54, 1152-1153, 2018
Screening of different growth media for extracellular synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Aspergillus niger
MS Alam, Z Huma, R Shaikh, G Shaheen, M Mushtaq
Int. J. Biol. Biotechnol 14, 333-335, 2017
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