Anna Mallone
Anna Mallone
Postdoc and Bioinformatics Analyst, ETH Zurich
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Proteomic analysis of human mesenchymal stromal cell secretomes: a systematic comparison of the angiogenic potential
D Kehl, M Generali, A Mallone, M Heller, AC Uldry, P Cheng, ...
NPJ Regenerative medicine 4 (1), 8, 2019
A micron-scale surface topography design reducing cell adhesion to implanted materials
F Robotti, S Bottan, F Fraschetti, A Mallone, G Pellegrini, N Lindenblatt, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 10887, 2018
Differential leaflet remodeling of bone marrow cell pre-seeded versus nonseeded bioresorbable transcatheter pulmonary valve replacements
ES Fioretta, V Lintas, A Mallone, SE Motta, L Von Boehmer, PE Dijkman, ...
Basic to Translational Science 5 (1), 15-31, 2020
Biofabricating atherosclerotic plaques: In vitro engineering of a three-dimensional human fibroatheroma model
A Mallone, C Stenger, A Von Eckardstein, SP Hoerstrup, B Weber
Biomaterials 150, 49-59, 2018
Proteomic analysis of human mesenchymal stromal cell secretomes: A systematic comparison of the angiogenic potential. npj Regen
D Kehl, M Generali, A Mallone, M Heller, AC Uldry, P Cheng, ...
Med 4 (8), 10.1038, 2019
Autoreactive T cells target peripheral nerves in Guillain–Barré syndrome
L Súkeníková, A Mallone, B Schreiner, P Ripellino, J Nilsson, M Stoffel, ...
Nature 626 (7997), 160-168, 2024
Healthy and diseased in vitro models of vascular systems
V Hosseini, A Mallone, F Nasrollahi, S Ostrovidov, R Nasiri, M Mahmoodi, ...
Lab on a Chip 21 (4), 641-659, 2021
A pulsatile flow system to engineer aneurysm and atherosclerosis mimetic extracellular matrix
V Hosseini, A Mallone, N Mirkhani, J Noir, M Salek, FS Pasqualini, ...
Advanced Science 7 (12), 2000173, 2020
Early β‐amyloid accumulation in the brain is associated with peripheral T cell alterations
C Gericke, T Kirabali, R Flury, A Mallone, C Rickenbach, L Kulic, ...
Alzheimer's & Dementia 19 (12), 5642-5662, 2023
Human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived vessels as dynamic atherosclerosis model on a chip
A Mallone, C Gericke, V Hosseini, K Chahbi, W Haenseler, MY Emmert, ...
Oligomeric forms of human amyloid-beta (1–42) inhibit antigen presentation
C Gericke, A Mallone, B Engelhardt, RM Nitsch, MT Ferretti
Frontiers in immunology 11, 1029, 2020
Cardiovascular regenerative technologies: update and future outlook
A Mallone, B Weber, SP Hoerstrup
Transfusion Medicine and Hemotherapy 43 (4), 291-296, 2016
Proteomic analysis of human mesenchymal stromal cell secretomes: a systematic comparison of the angiogenic potential. NPJ Regen Med. 2019; 4 (1): 8
D Kehl, M Generali, A Mallone, M Heller, AC Uldry, P Cheng, ...
DOI, 0
Vascular tissue engineering: pathological considerations, mechanisms, and translational implications
FJ Schoen, ES Fioretta, A Mallone, AIPM Smits, L Klouda, CVC Bouten
Tissue-Engineered Vascular Grafts, 95-134, 2020
Human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived arteries as personalized models of atherosclerosis on-a-chip
A Mallone, C Gericke, V Hosseini, V Vogel, K Chahbi, JH Walther, ...
bioRxiv, 2020.11. 27.401034, 2020
Early Β-Amyloid Accumulation in the Brain Is Associated With Blood T and B Cell Alterations
C Gericke, T Kirabali, R Flury, A Mallone, C Rickenbach, L Kulic, ...
Available at SSRN 3869111, 2021
Approaches and recent advances in heart valve tissue engineering
A Mallone, B Weber, SP Hoerstrup
Tissue Engineering for Artificial Organs: Regenerative Medicine, Smart …, 2017
Evaluation of de novo donor specific antibodies after kidney transplantation in the era of donor-derived cell-free DNA
Y Tian, L Frischknecht, A Mallone, F Rössler, T Schachtner, J Nilsson
Frontiers in Immunology 15, 1530065, 2025
Altered T cell reactivity to β-amyloid-related antigens in early Alzheimer’s disease
C Rickenbach, A Mallone, L Haeusle, L Frei, S Seiter, C Sparano, ...
bioRxiv, 2024.06. 04.597424, 2024
Bioengineered in vitro 3D model of human atherosclerotic plaque
S Hoerstrup, B Weber, A Mallone
US Patent 11,946,071, 2024
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