Jinsook Roh
Jinsook Roh
Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, University of Houston
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Alterations in upper limb muscle synergy structure in chronic stroke survivors
J Roh, WZ Rymer, EJ Perreault, SB Yoo, RF Beer
Journal of neurophysiology 109 (3), 768-781, 2013
Modulation of muscle synergy recruitment in primate grasping
SA Overduin, A d'Avella, J Roh, E Bizzi
Journal of Neuroscience 28 (4), 880-892, 2008
Representation of muscle synergies in the primate brain
SA Overduin, A d'Avella, J Roh, JM Carmena, E Bizzi
Journal of Neuroscience 35 (37), 12615-12624, 2015
Modules in the brain stem and spinal cord underlying motor behaviors
J Roh, VCK Cheung, E Bizzi
Journal of neurophysiology 106 (3), 1363-1378, 2011
Robustness of muscle synergies underlying three-dimensional force generation at the hand in healthy humans
J Roh, WZ Rymer, RF Beer
Journal of neurophysiology 107 (8), 2123-2142, 2012
Evidence for altered upper extremity muscle synergies in chronic stroke survivors with mild and moderate impairment
J Roh, WZ Rymer, RF Beer
Frontiers in human neuroscience 9, 6, 2015
Feasibility of muscle synergy outcomes in clinics, robotics, and sports: a systematic review
J Taborri, V Agostini, PK Artemiadis, M Ghislieri, DA Jacobs, J Roh, ...
Applied bionics and biomechanics 2018 (1), 3934698, 2018
Multimodal neuroimaging using concurrent EEG/fNIRS for poststroke recovery assessment: an exploratory study
R Li, S Li, J Roh, C Wang, Y Zhang
Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 34 (12), 1099-1110, 2020
Are muscle synergies useful for stroke rehabilitation?
YNG Hong, AN Ballekere, BJ Fregly, J Roh
Current Opinion in Biomedical Engineering 19, 100315, 2021
Alterations in muscle networks in the upper extremity of chronic stroke survivors
M Houston, X Li, P Zhou, S Li, J Roh, Y Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 29, 1026-1034, 2021
Alterations in intermuscular coordination underlying isokinetic exercise after a stroke and their implications on neurorehabilitation
JH Park, JH Shin, H Lee, J Roh, HS Park
Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 18, 1-17, 2021
Myoelectric interface training enables targeted reduction in abnormal muscle co-activation
G Seo, A Kishta, E Mugler, MW Slutzky, J Roh
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 19 (1), 67, 2022
Alterations in motor modules and their contribution to limitations in force control in the upper extremity after stroke
G Seo, SW Lee, RF Beer, A Alamri, YN Wu, P Raghavan, WZ Rymer, ...
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16, 937391, 2022
Modular organization of exploratory force development under isometric conditions in the human arm
J Roh, SW Lee, KD Wilger
Journal of motor behavior 51 (1), 83-99, 2019
Design and evaluation of a novel experimental setup for upper limb intermuscular coordination studies
JH Park, JH Shin, H Lee, CB Park, J Roh, HS Park
Frontiers in neurorobotics 13, 72, 2019
The effects of selective muscle weakness on muscle coordination in the human arm
J Roh, RF Beer, A Lai, M Rho, KR Karvelas, AM Nader, MC Kendall, ...
Applied bionics and biomechanics 2018 (1), 5637568, 2018
Computational modeling and simulation of closed chain arm-robot multibody dynamic systems in OpenSim
M Green, YNG Hong, J Roh, BJ Fregly
Multibody System Dynamics 56 (4), 313-334, 2022
Inter-muscular coherence and functional coordination in the human upper extremity after stroke
H Liu, Y Gao, W Huang, R Li, M Houston, JS Benoit, J Roh, Y Zhang
Math. Biosci. Eng 19, 4506-4525, 2022
Altered muscle networks in post-stroke survivors
M Houston, R Li, J Roh, Y Zhang
2020 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2020
Muscle activation pattern during self-propelled treadmill walking
B Kostraba, YN Wu, PC Kao, C Stark, SC Yen, J Roh
Journal of physical therapy science 30 (8), 1069-1072, 2018
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