Sozos N. Michaelides
Sozos N. Michaelides
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Sexual selection drives asymmetric introgression in wall lizards
GM While, S Michaelides, RJP Heathcote, HEA MacGregor, N Zajac, ...
Ecology Letters 18 (12), 1366-1375, 2015
Adaptive responses to cool climate promotes persistence of a non-native lizard
GM While, J Williamson, G Prescott, T Horváthová, B Fresnillo, NJ Beeton, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282 (1803), 20142638, 2015
Widespread primary, but geographically restricted secondary, human introductions of wall lizards, Podarcis muralis
SN Michaelides, GM While, N Zajac, T Uller
Molecular Ecology 24 (11), 2702-2714, 2015
Human introductions create opportunities for intra-specific hybridization in an alien lizard
S Michaelides, GM While, C Bell, T Uller
Biological Invasions 15, 1101-1112, 2013
Urbanization affects body size and parasitism but not thermal preferences in Anolis lizards
CJ Thawley, HA Moniz, AJ Merritt, AC Battles, SN Michaelides, JJ Kolbe
Journal of Urban Ecology 5 (1), juy031, 2019
Experimental contact zones reveal causes and targets of sexual selection in hybridizing lizards
HEA MacGregor, GM While, J Barrett, G Pérez i de Lanuza, P Carazo, ...
Functional Ecology 31 (3), 742-752, 2017
Dispersal ability predicts spatial genetic structure in native mammals persisting across an urbanization gradient
JL Richardson, S Michaelides, M Combs, M Djan, L Bisch, K Barrett, ...
Evolutionary Applications, 2020
Translocation retains genetic diversity of a threatened endemic reptile in Mauritius
S Michaelides, N Cole, SM Funk
Conservation Genetics, 1-12, 2014
Sex, males, and hermaphrodites in the scale insect Icerya purchasi
AJ Mongue, S Michaelides, O Coombe, A Tena, DS Kim, BB Normark, ...
Evolution 75 (11), 2972-2983, 2021
Changes in selection pressure can facilitate hybridization during biological invasion in a Cuban lizard
DG Bock, S Baeckens, JN Pita-Aquino, ZA Chejanovski, SN Michaelides, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (42), e2108638118, 2021
Phylogeography and conservation genetics of the common wall lizard, Podarcis muralis, on islands at its northern range
S Michaelides, N Cornish, R Griffiths, J Groombridge, N Zajac, GJ Walters, ...
PLoS One 10 (2), e0117113, 2015
Global assessment of effective population sizes: Consistent taxonomic differences in meeting the 50/500 rule
SH Clarke, ER Lawrence, JM Matte, BK Gallagher, SJ Salisbury, ...
Molecular Ecology 33 (11), e17353, 2024
Independent introductions and sequential founder events shape genetic differentiation and diversity of the invasive green anole (Anolis carolinensis) on Pacific …
SN Michaelides, RM Goodman, RI Crombie, JJ Kolbe
Diversity and Distributions 24 (5), 666-679, 2018
Loss of genetic diversity and increased embryonic mortality in non‐native lizard populations
SN Michaelides, GM While, N Zajac, F Aubret, B Calsbeek, R Sacchi, ...
Molecular ecology 25 (17), 4113-4125, 2016
Genetic differentiation predicts body size divergence between island and mainland populations of common wall lizards (Podarcis muralis)
T Uller, H Laakkonen, S Michaelides, GM While, A Coulon, F Aubret
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 127 (4), 771-786, 2019
Location and Species Matter: Variable Influence of the Environment on the Gene Flow of Imperiled, Native and Invasive Cottontails
TJ McGreevy Jr, S Michaelides, M Djan, M Sullivan, DM Beltran, B Buffum, ...
Frontiers in Genetics, 1896, 2021
Predator‐driven behavioural shifts in a common lizard shape resource‐flow from marine to terrestrial ecosystems
O Lapiedra, N Morales, LH Yang, D Fernández‐Bellon, SN Michaelides, ...
Ecology Letters 27 (1), e14335, 2024
Origin and establishment of the introduced Cuban Blue Anole, Anolis allisoni
DG Morris, K Morris, CJ Thawley, JJ Kolbe, SN Michaelides
Florida. Caribbean Herpetology 78, 1-7, 2021
Isoforms of enzymes of intermediated metabolism during the hibernation of the water frog Rana ridibunda
B Michaelidis, S Michailidis, A Triantafyllidis, ...
Journal of Biological Research 14, 191, 2010
Genetic reconstruction of the invasion history of Anolis wattsi in Trinidad with a comment on the importance of ecological similarity to invasion success
SN Michaelides, N Gilbert, BE Smith, GL White, A Hailey, JJ Kolbe
Herpetological Journal 29 (3), 131-137, 2019
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