Artur Dyczko
Artur Dyczko
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Compressive strength evaluation of ultra-high-strength concrete by machine learning
Z Shen, AF Deifalla, P Kamiński, A Dyczko
Materials 15 (10), 3523, 2022
Compressive strength of steel fiber-reinforced concrete employing supervised machine learning techniques
Y Li, Q Zhang, P Kamiński, AF Deifalla, M Sufian, A Dyczko, NB Kahla, ...
Materials 15 (12), 4209, 2022
Monofacial and bifacial micro PV installation as element of energy transition—The case of Poland
P Olczak, M Olek, D Matuszewska, A Dyczko, T Mania
Energies 14 (2), 499, 2021
Analyses of duck curve phenomena potential in polish PV prosumer households’ installations
P Olczak, P Jaśko, D Kryzia, D Matuszewska, MI Fyk, A Dyczko
Elsevier - Energy Reports 7, 2021
Economic valuation of coal deposits–The value of geological information in the resource recognition process
M Kopacz, J Kulpa, D Galica, A Dyczko, J Jarosz
Resources Policy 63, 101450, 2019
Analysis of the damage mechanism of strainbursts by a global-local modeling approach
J Wang, DB Apel, A Dyczko, A Walentek, S Prusek, H Xu, C Wei
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 14 (6), 1671-1696, 2022
Gas hydrates technologies in the joint concept of geoenergy usage
R Dychkovskyi, M Tabachenko, K Zhadiaieva, A Dyczko, E Cabana
E3S Web of Conferences 230, 01023, 2021
Real-time forecasting of key coking coal quality parameters using neural networks and artificial intelligence
A Dyczko
Rudarsko-geološko-naftni zbornik 38 (3), 105-117, 2023
The concept of automation and monitoring of the production process in an underground mine
J Kicki, A Dyczko
New Techniques and Technologies in Mining, 245-253, 2010
Thermal digital terrain model of a coal spoil tip–a way of improving monitoring and early diagnostics of potential spontaneous combustion areas
P Lewińska, A Dyczko
Journal of Ecological Engineering 17 (4), 2016
Using the methods to calculate parameters of drilling and blasting operations for emulsion explosives
M Kononenko, O Khomenko, E Cabana, A Mirek, A Dyczko, D Prostański, ...
Investigation of the rockburst mechanism of driving roadways in close-distance coal seam mining using numerical modeling method
J Wang, DB Apel, A Dyczko, A Walentek, S Prusek, H Xu, C Wei
Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration 38 (5), 1899-1921, 2021
Monitoring of roof bolting as an element of the project of the introduction of roof bolting in polish coal mines—Case study
A Dyczko, P Kamiński, J Jarosz, Z Rak, D Jasiulek, T Sinka
Energies 15 (1), 95, 2021
Production management system in a modern coal and coke company based on the demand and quality of the exploited raw material in the aspect of building a service-oriented …
A Dyczko
Journal of Sustainable Mining 22 (1), 1-19, 2023
Investigating the ultrasonic pulse velocity of concrete containing waste marble dust and its estimation using artificial intelligence
D Yang, J Zhao, SA Suhail, W Ahmad, P Kamiński, A Dyczko, A Salmi, ...
Materials 15 (12), 4311, 2022
Thermal and mechanical energy storage as a chance for energy transformation in Poland
A Dyczko, P Kamiński, K Stecuła, D Prostański, M Kopacz, D Kowol
Polityka Energetyczna 24, 2021
Technological solutions for the realization of NGH-technology for gas transportation and storage in gas hydrate form
M Pedchenko, L Pedchenko, T Nesterenko, A Dyczko
Solid State Phenomena 277, 123-136, 2018
Novel ecosystems in the urban-industrial landscape–interesting aspects of environmental knowledge requiring broadening: A review
D Chmura, AM Jagodziński, A Hutniczak, A Dyczko, G Woźniak
Sustainability 14 (17), 10829, 2022
Integration of thermal digital 3D model and a MASW (Multichannel Analysis of Surface Wave) as a means of improving monitoring of spoil tip stability
P Lewińska, R Matuła, A Dyczko
2017 Baltic Geodetic Congress (BGC Geomatics), 232-236, 2017
Thin coal seams, their role in the reserve base of Poland
A Dyczko
Technical, Technological and Economical Aspects of Thin-Seams Coal Mining …, 2007
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