Danielle Fortin
Danielle Fortin
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Metal sorption to diagenetic iron and manganese oxyhydroxides and associated organic matter: narrowing the gap between field and laboratory measurements
A Tessier, D Fortin, N Belzile, RR DeVitre, GG Leppard
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 60 (3), 387-404, 1996
Formation and occurrence of biogenic iron-rich minerals
D Fortin, S Langley
Earth-Science Reviews 72 (1-2), 1-19, 2005
Surface-mediated mineral development by bacteria
D Fortin, FG Ferris, TJ Beveridge
Reviews in mineralogy 35, 161-180, 1997
Mineralization of bacterial surfaces
S Schultze-Lam, D Fortin, BS Davis, TJ Beveridge
Chemical Geology 132 (1-4), 171-181, 1996
Adsorption of rare earth elements onto bacterial cell walls and its implication for REE sorption onto natural microbial mats
Y Takahashi, X Châtellier, KH Hattori, K Kato, D Fortin
Chemical geology 219 (1-4), 53-67, 2005
Role of sediment composition in trace metal distribution in lake sediments
L El Bilali, PE Rasmussen, GEM Hall, D Fortin
Applied Geochemistry 17 (9), 1171-1181, 2002
Characteristics of lacustrine diagenetic iron oxyhydroxides
D Fortin, GG Leppard, A Tessier
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 57 (18), 4391-4404, 1993
Formation of Fe-silicates and Fe-oxides on bacterial surfaces in samples collected near hydrothermal vents on the Southern Explorer Ridge in the northeast Pacific Ocean
D Fortin, FG Ferris, SD Scott
American Mineralogist 83 (11), 1399-1408, 1998
Role of Thiobacillus and sulfate-reducing bacteria in iron biocycling in oxic and acidic mine tailings
D Fortin, B Davis, TJ Beveridge
FEMS Microbiology Ecology 21 (1), 11-24, 1996
The effect of growth phase on proton and metal adsorption by Bacillus subtilis
CJ Daughney, DA Fowle, D Fortin
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 65 (7), 1025-1035, 2001
Mineralogy of a natural As-rich hydrous ferric oxide coprecipitate formed by mixing of hydrothermal fluid and seawater: Implications regarding surface complexation and color …
DG Rancourt, D Fortin, T Pichler, PJ Thibaul, G Lamarche, RV Morris, ...
American Mineralogist 86 (7-8), 834-851, 2001
Microbial sulfate reduction within sulfidic mine tailings: formation of diagenetic Fe sulfides
D Fortin, TJ Beveridge
Geomicrobiology Journal 14 (1), 1-21, 1997
Prevalence of anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing bacteria in contaminated groundwater
TA Moore, Y Xing, B Lazenby, MDJ Lynch, S Schiff, WD Robertson, ...
Environmental science & technology 45 (17), 7217-7225, 2011
Microbial metal-binding mechanisms and their relation to nuclear waste disposal
RJC McLean, D Fortin, DA Brown
Canadian Journal of Microbiology 42 (4), 392-400, 1996
Biogeochemical factors influencing net mercury methylation in contaminated freshwater sediments from the St. Lawrence River in Cornwall, Ontario, Canada
ML Avramescu, E Yumvihoze, H Hintelmann, J Ridal, D Fortin, DRS Lean
Science of the Total Environment 409 (5), 968-978, 2011
A rare earth element signature of bacteria in natural waters?
Y Takahashi, T Hirata, H Shimizu, T Ozaki, D Fortin
Chemical Geology 244 (3-4), 569-583, 2007
Sorption of strontium onto bacteriogenic iron oxides
S Langley, AG Gault, A Ibrahim, Y Takahashi, R Renaud, D Fortin, ...
Environmental science & technology 43 (4), 1008-1014, 2009
Nickel sulfide, iron-nickel sulfide and iron sulfide precipitation by a newly isolated Desulfotomaculum species and its relation to nickel resistance
D Fortin, G Southam, TJ Beveridge
FEMS Microbiology Ecology 14 (2), 121-132, 1994
Characterization of iron-oxides formed by oxidation of ferrous ions in the presence of various bacterial species and inorganic ligands
X Châtellier, MM West, J Rose, D Fortin, GG Leppard, FG Ferris
Geomicrobiology Journal 21 (2), 99-112, 2004
Biogeochemical phenomena induced by bacteria within sulfidic mine tailings
D Fortin, B Davis, G Southam, TJ Beveridge
Journal of industrial Microbiology 14, 178-185, 1995
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