Margherita Micheletti Cremasco
Margherita Micheletti Cremasco
DBIOS University of Torino
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
The contribution of postural balance analysis in older adult fallers: A narrative review
L Pizzigalli, MM Cremasco, A Mulasso, A Rainoldi
Journal of bodywork and movement therapies 20 (2), 409-417, 2016
Hand grip strength and anthropometric characteristics in Italian female national basketball teams.
L Pizzigalli, MM Cremasco, A La Torre, A Rainoldi, R Benis
The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness 57, 521-528, 2017
Ergonomic analysis of the effects of a telehandler's active suspended cab on whole body vibration level and operator comfort
F Caffaro, MM Cremasco, C Preti, E Cavallo
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 53, 19-26, 2016
Age estimation in subadult Egyptian remains
S Boccone, MM Cremasco, S Bortoluzzi, J Moggi-Cecchi, ER Massa
Homo 61 (5), 337-358, 2010
Hoc alterum auditus organi ossiculum est: Ear Ossicles in Physical Anthropology
M Masali, M Micheletti Cremasco
Human Evolution 21, 1-17, 2006
Human postural adaptation to earthly and atypical gravitational environment effects of sport training on stabilometric parameters
L Pizzigalli, MM Cremasco, E Cremona, A Rainoldi
Advances in anthropology 3 (4), 229-236, 2013
Anthropology: Physical and Cultural Adaptation to Outer Space
M Masali, M Ferrino, M Argenta, M Micheletti Cremasco
H. Benaroya, Lunar Settlements. CRC Press (Taylor & Francis) 13, 165-173, 2010
Health hazard of the increased widespread use of new technologies by children and young people in northern Italy
E Fubini, E Toscano, F Busceti, S Laporta, G Ladisa
SJWEH Supplements, 42-48, 2007
The copper age in northern Italy
U Zoppi, E Fulcheri, FM Gambari, Q Hua, EM Lawson, MM Cremasco, ...
Radiocarbon 43 (2B), 1049-1055, 2001
Human factors in space mission
IL Schlacht, M Rötting, M Masali, M Micheletti Cremasco
Der Mensch im Mittelpunkt technischer Systeme. Proceeding of 8, 7-8.10, 2009
Human Adaptation in Extreme Conditions: Anthropology and Ergonomics Applied to Outer Space.
M Masali, IL Schlacht, M Argenta, M Gamba, F Ligabue, ...
International Journal of Anthropology 28 (2-3), 171-185, 2013
Alba C. so Langhe e C. so Europa. Scavi nell’area degli insediamenti pre-protostorici.
M Venturino Gambari, N Cerrato, E Fulcheri, M Giaretti, F Giomo, ...
Quaderni della Soprintendenza archeologica del Piemonte 16, 217-230, 1999
From virtual reality to neutral buoyancy—methodologies for analyzing walking pattern on Moon and Mars
IL Schlacht, B Foing, M Benassai, S Bringeland, B Deml, A Del Mastro, ...
Advances in Safety Management and Human Factors: Proceedings of the AHFE …, 2016
Tropical Ulcer on a Human Tibia from 5000 Years Ago in Northern Italy
M Micheletti Cremasco, F Merlo, E Fulcheri, BM Rothschild
International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 25 (5), 788-794, 2015
The Primate Ear Bone Collection of the University of Turin: Revision and Improvement.
Lastella S., Siori M.S., Ligabue F. e Micheletti
Journal of Biological Research 85, 302-305, 2012
Evaluation de l’age d’après les ossement d’une population de sujets en cours de croissance: comparaison entre méthodes d’anthropologie dentaire et ostéométriques.
Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 22, 25-32, 2004
An Unfeasible Experiment: ZER0GYM. Current State and Prospects.
MCM Rosato M.R., Tinto A.,, Masali M., Schlacht I.L.
Journal of Biological Research 85, 280-281, 2012
Studio dei resti scheletrici umani rinvenuti a nord di Jebel Hamrin-Iraq.
T Doro Garetto, M MICHELETTI CREMASCO, E Fulcheri
MESOPOTAMIA 42, 143-149, 2007
Evaluation de l’âge d’après les ossements d’une population de sujets en cours de croissance: comparaisons entre méthodes d’anthropologie dentaire et ostéométriques
MM Cremasco, S Boccone
SBH-Société de Biométrie Humaine, 2004
Sistema negali atlikti operacijos. Bandykite vėliau dar kartą.
Straipsniai 1–19