Yoshihide Tominaga
Yoshihide Tominaga
Niigata Institute of Technology
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AIJ guidelines for practical applications of CFD to pedestrian wind environment around buildings
Y Tominaga, A Mochida, R Yoshie, H Kataoka, T Nozu, M Yoshikawa, ...
Journal of wind engineering and industrial aerodynamics 96 (10-11), 1749-1761, 2008
Turbulent Schmidt numbers for CFD analysis with various types of flowfield
Y Tominaga, T Stathopoulos
Atmospheric Environment 41 (37), 8091-8099, 2007
Cooperative project for CFD prediction of pedestrian wind environment in the Architectural Institute of Japan
R Yoshie, A Mochida, Y Tominaga, H Kataoka, K Harimoto, T Nozu, ...
Journal of wind engineering and industrial aerodynamics 95 (9-11), 1551-1578, 2007
CFD simulation of near-field pollutant dispersion in the urban environment: A review of current modeling techniques
Y Tominaga, T Stathopoulos
Atmospheric environment 79, 716-730, 2013
Wind tunnel tests on the relationship between building density and pedestrian-level wind velocity: Development of guidelines for realizing acceptable wind environment in …
T Kubota, M Miura, Y Tominaga, A Mochida
Building and environment 43 (10), 1699-1708, 2008
Comparison of various revised k–ε models and LES applied to flow around a high-rise building model with 1: 1: 2 shape placed within the surface boundary layer
Y Tominaga, A Mochida, S Murakami, S Sawaki
Journal of wind engineering and industrial aerodynamics 96 (4), 389-411, 2008
On the accuracy of CFD simulations of cross-ventilation flows for a generic isolated building: Comparison of RANS, LES and experiments
T van Hooff, B Blocken, Y Tominaga
Building and Environment 114, 148-165, 2017
CFD modeling of pollution dispersion in a street canyon: Comparison between LES and RANS
Y Tominaga, T Stathopoulos
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 99 (4), 340-348, 2011
Numerical simulation of dispersion around an isolated cubic building: model evaluation of RANS and LES
Y Tominaga, T Stathopoulos
Building and Environment 45 (10), 2231-2239, 2010
Air flow around isolated gable-roof buildings with different roof pitches: Wind tunnel experiments and CFD simulations
Y Tominaga, S Akabayashi, T Kitahara, Y Arinami
Building and Environment 84, 204-213, 2015
Numerical simulation of dispersion around an isolated cubic building: Comparison of various types of k–ɛ models
Y Tominaga, T Stathopoulos
Atmospheric Environment 43 (20), 3200-3210, 2009
Comparison of various k-ε models and DSM applied to flow around a high-rise building-report on AIJ cooperative project for CFD prediction of wind environment
A Mochida, Y Tominaga, S Murakami, R Yoshie, T Ishihara, R Ooka
Wind and Structures 5 (2_3_4), 227-244, 2002
CFD modeling of snowdrift around a building: An overview of models and evaluation of a new approach
Y Tominaga, T Okaze, A Mochida
Building and Environment 46 (4), 899-910, 2011
Velocity-pressure field of cross ventilation with open windows analyzed by wind tunnel and numerical simulation
S Kato, S Murakami, A Mochida, S Akabayashi, Y Tominaga
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 44 (1-3), 2575-2586, 1992
Ten questions concerning modeling of near-field pollutant dispersion in the built environment
Y Tominaga, T Stathopoulos
Building and Environment 105, 390-402, 2016
Flow around a high-rise building using steady and unsteady RANS CFD: Effect of large-scale fluctuations on the velocity statistics
Y Tominaga
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 142, 93-103, 2015
Wind tunnel experiments on cross-ventilation flow of a generic building with contaminant dispersion in unsheltered and sheltered conditions
Y Tominaga, B Blocken
Building and Environment 92, 452-461, 2015
CFD modeling of pollution dispersion in building array: evaluation of turbulent scalar flux modeling in RANS model using LES results
Y Tominaga, T Stathopoulos
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 104, 484-491, 2012
Cross comparisons of CFD results of wind environment at pedestrian level around a high-rise building and within a building complex
Y Tominaga, A Mochida, T Shirasawa, R Yoshie, H Kataoka, K Harimoto, ...
Journal of Asian architecture and building engineering 3 (1), 63-70, 2004
Wind tunnel analysis of flow and dispersion in cross-ventilated isolated buildings: Impact of opening positions
Y Tominaga, B Blocken
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 155, 74-88, 2016
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