O. A. Ojo
Numerical modeling of microstructure evolution during laser additive manufacturing of a nickel-based superalloy
P Nie, OA Ojo, Z Li
Acta Materialia 77, 85-95, 2014
Contribution of constitutional liquation of gamma prime precipitate to weld HAZ cracking of cast Inconel 738 superalloy
OA Ojo, NL Richards, MC Chaturvedi
Scripta materialia 50 (5), 641-646, 2004
The influence of head size on corrosion and fretting behaviour at the head-neck interface of artificial hip joints
RMR Dyrkacz, JM Brandt, OA Ojo, TR Turgeon, UP Wyss
The Journal of arthroplasty 28 (6), 1036-1040, 2013
Microstructural study of weld fusion zone of TIG welded IN 738LC nickel-based superalloy
OA Ojo, NL Richards, MC Chaturvedi
Scripta materialia 51 (7), 683-688, 2004
Study of the fusion zone and heat-affected zone microstructures in tungsten inert gas-welded INCONEL 738LC superalloy
OA Ojo, NL Richards, MC Chaturvedi
Metallurgical and materials transactions A 37, 421-433, 2006
Analysis of laser beam weldability of Inconel 738 superalloy
AT Egbewande, RA Buckson, OA Ojo
Materials characterization 61 (5), 569-574, 2010
On the role of liquated γ′ precipitates in weld heat affected zone microfissuring of a nickel-based superalloy
OA Ojo, MC Chaturvedi
Materials Science and Engineering: A 403 (1-2), 77-86, 2005
Microstructural study of transient liquid phase bonded cast Inconel 738LC superalloy
OA Idowu, OA Ojo, MC Chaturvedi
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 37, 2787-2796, 2006
Effect of gap size and process parameters on diffusion brazing of Inconel 738
OA Ojo, NL Richards, MC Charturvedi
Science and technology of welding and joining 9 (3), 209-220, 2004
Corrosion behavior of wire arc additive manufactured Inconel 718 superalloy
LN Zhang, OA Ojo
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 829, 154455, 2020
Effect of heat input on heat affected zone cracking in laser welded ATI Allvac 718Plus superalloy
OA Idowu, OA Ojo, MC Chaturvedi
Materials Science and Engineering: A 454, 389-397, 2007
Additive manufacturing of 18% nickel maraging steels: Defect, structure and mechanical properties: A review
L Guo, L Zhang, J Andersson, O Ojo
Journal of Materials Science & Technology 120, 227-252, 2022
Liquation microfissuring in the weld heat-affected zone of an overaged precipitation-hardened nickel-base superalloy
OA Ojo, MC Chaturvedi
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 38, 356-369, 2007
Microstructural Analyses of ATI 718Plus® Produced by Wire-ARC Additive Manufacturing Process
G Asala, AK Khan, J Andersson, OA Ojo
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 48, 4211-4228, 2017
Isothermal solidification during transient liquid phase bonding of Inconel 738 superalloy
OA Ojo, NL Richards, MC Chaturvedi
Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 9 (6), 532-540, 2004
Influence of process parameters on microstructure of transient liquid phase bonded Inconel 738LC superalloy with Amdry DF-3 interlayer
NP Wikstrom, OA Ojo, MC Chaturvedi
Materials Science and Engineering: A 417 (1-2), 299-306, 2006
Microstructural analysis of laser-beam-welded directionally solidified INCONEL 738
RK Sidhu, OA Ojo, MC Chaturvedi
Metallurgical and materials transactions A 38, 858-870, 2007
Modeling analysis of laser cladding of a nickel-based superalloy
P Nie, OA Ojo, Z Li
Surface and coatings Technology 258, 1048-1059, 2014
Liquid film migration of constitutionally liquated γ′ in weld heat affected zone (HAZ) of Inconel 738LC superalloy
OA Ojo, NL Richards, MC Chaturvedi
Scripta Materialia 51 (2), 141-146, 2004
Microstructural analysis of laser weld fusion zone in Haynes 282 superalloy
LO Osoba, RG Ding, OA Ojo
Materials Characterization 65, 93-99, 2012
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