Sarah Flanagan
Sarah Flanagan
Senior Lecturer, University of Canterbury
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Guidelines for planning genomic assessment and monitoring of locally adaptive variation to inform species conservation
SP Flanagan, BR Forester, EK Latch, SN Aitken, S Hoban
Evolutionary applications 11 (7), 1035-1052, 2018
The future of parentage analysis: From microsatellites to SNPs and beyond
SP Flanagan, AG Jones
Molecular ecology 28 (3), 544-567, 2019
Differentiation measures for conservation genetics
L Jost, F Archer, S Flanagan, O Gaggiotti, S Hoban, E Latch
Evolutionary applications 11 (7), 1139-1148, 2018
Constraints on the FST-heterozygosity outlier approach.
SP Flanagan, AG Jones
The Journal of heredity, 2017
Sexual selection on female ornaments in the sex‐role‐reversed Gulf pipefish (Syngnathus scovelli)
SP Flanagan, JB Johnson, E Rose, AG Jones
Journal of evolutionary biology 27 (11), 2457-2467, 2014
Genome‐wide selection components analysis in a fish with male pregnancy
SP Flanagan, AG Jones
Evolution 71 (4), 1096-1105, 2017
Population genomics reveals multiple drivers of population differentiation in a sex‐role‐reversed pipefish
SP Flanagan, E Rose, AG Jones
Molecular Ecology 25 (20), 5043-5072, 2016
Substantial differences in bias between single‐digest and double‐digest RAD‐seq libraries: A case study
SP Flanagan, AG Jones
Molecular ecology resources 18 (2), 264-280, 2018
The effects of synthetic estrogen exposure on the sexually dimorphic liver transcriptome of the sex-role-reversed Gulf pipefish
E Rose, SP Flanagan, AG Jones
PLoS One 10 (10), e0139401, 2015
The why, when, and how of computing in biology classrooms
AM Wright, RS Schwartz, JR Oaks, CE Newman, SP Flanagan
F1000Research 8, 2019
The roles of sexual selection and sexual conflict in shaping patterns of genome and transcriptome variation
NM Tosto, ER Beasley, BBM Wong, JE Mank, SP Flanagan
Nature Ecology & Evolution 7 (7), 981-993, 2023
The estrogen-responsive transcriptome of female secondary sexual traits in the Gulf pipefish
AP Anderson, E Rose, SP Flanagan, AG Jones
Journal of Heredity 111 (3), 294-306, 2020
Calling rate, corticosterone plasma levels and immunocompetence of Hypsiboas albopunctatus
SCM Titon, VR de Assis, BT Junior, AMG Barsotti, SP Flanagan, ...
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative …, 2016
Environmental DNA as a tool for monitoring Antarctic vertebrates
L Howell, M LaRue, SP Flanagan
New Zealand Journal of Zoology 48 (3-4), 245-262, 2021
Do Male Activity Level And Territory Quality Affect Female Association Time in The Brown Anole, Anolis sagrei?
SP Flanagan, CR Bevier
Ethology 120 (4), 365-374, 2014
The population genomics of repeated freshwater colonizations by Gulf pipefish
SP Flanagan, E Rose, AG Jones
Molecular Ecology 30 (7), 1672-1687, 2021
Identifying signatures of sexual selection using genomewide selection components analysis
SP Flanagan, AG Jones
Ecology and evolution 5 (13), 2722-2744, 2015
The evolution of the testis transcriptome in pregnant male pipefishes and seahorses
BD Johnson, AP Anderson, CM Small, E Rose, SP Flanagan, ...
Evolution 76 (9), 2162-2180, 2022
Mate quality and the temporal dynamics of breeding in a sex-role-reversed pipefish, S. typhle
SP Flanagan, G Rosenqvist, AG Jones
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 1 (71), 1-10, 2016
Seasonal Dynamics of Faunal Diversity and Population Ecology in an Estuarine Seagrass Bed
M Pullen, D Gerber, MS Thomsen, SP Flanagan
Estuaries and Coasts 45 (8), 2578-2591, 2022
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