Jiang-Ping Huang
Jiang-Ping Huang
Kiti vardaiJiangping HUANG
Patvirtintas el. paštas
An effective iterated greedy method for the distributed permutation flowshop scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup times
JP Huang, QK Pan, L Gao
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 59, 100742, 2020
Effective constructive heuristics and discrete bee colony optimization for distributed flowshop with setup times
JP Huang, QK Pan, ZH Miao, L Gao
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 97, 104016, 2021
An improved iterated greedy algorithm for the distributed assembly permutation flowshop scheduling problem
YY Huang, QK Pan, JP Huang, PN Suganthan, L Gao
Computers & Industrial Engineering 152, 107021, 2021
A novel priority dispatch rule generation method based on graph neural network and reinforcement learning for distributed job-shop scheduling
JP Huang, L Gao, XY Li, CJ Zhang
Journal of Manufacturing Systems 69, 119-134, 2023
An end-to-end deep reinforcement learning method based on graph neural network for distributed job-shop scheduling problem
JP Huang, L Gao, XY Li
Expert Systems with Applications 238, 121756, 2024
A light-robust-optimization model and an effective memetic algorithm for an open vehicle routing problem under uncertain travel times
L Sun, Q Pan, XL Jing, JP Huang
Memetic Computing 13 (2), 149-167, 2021
A cooperative hierarchical deep reinforcement learning based multi-agent method for distributed job shop scheduling problem with random job arrivals
JP Huang, L Gao, XY Li, CJ Zhang
Computers & Industrial Engineering 185, 109650, 2023
A discrete artificial bee colony method based on variable neighborhood structures for the distributed permutation flowshop problem with sequence-dependent setup times
Y Yu, FQ Zhang, GD Yang, Y Wang, JP Huang, YY Han
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 75, 101179, 2022
A hierarchical multi-action deep reinforcement learning method for dynamic distributed job-shop scheduling problem with job arrivals
JP Huang, L Gao, XY Li
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2024
Acceleration-based artificial bee colony optimizer for a distributed permutation flowshop scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup times
Y Yu, FQ Zhang, JP Huang
Applied Soft Computing 135, 110029, 2023
A hybrid genetic algorithm for the distributed permutation flowshop scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup times
J Huang, Q Pan, Q Chen
IOP conference series: materials science and engineering 646 (1), 012037, 2019
An effective iterated greedy algorithm for PCBs grouping problem to minimize setup times
JP Huang, QK Pan, L Gao, L Wang
Applied Soft Computing 112, 107830, 2021
Effective constructive and composite heuristics for grouping printed circuit boards in the electronic assembly industry
JP Huang, QK Pan, PN Suganthan
Engineering Optimization 54 (10), 1758-1772, 2022
An iterated local search algorithm for distributed assembly permutation flowshop problem
YY Huang, Q Pan, XL Hu, MF Tasgetiren, J Huang
2020 39th Chinese Control Conference (CCC), 1548-1552, 2020
A New Heuristic for PCBs Grouping Problem with Setup Times
JP Huang, QK Pan, MF Tasgetiren, YY Huang
2020 39th Chinese Control Conference (CCC), 1495-1500, 2020
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