Mariana Erasmus
Mariana Erasmus
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Nematoda from the terrestrial deep subsurface of South Africa
G Borgonie, A García-Moyano, D Litthauer, W Bert, A Bester, ...
Nature 474 (7349), 79-82, 2011
Comparisons of the composition and biogeographic distribution of the bacterial communities occupying South African thermal springs with those inhabiting deep subsurface …
C Magnabosco, M Tekere, MCY Lau, B Linage, O Kuloyo, M Erasmus, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 5, 679, 2014
Vermicomposting technology-A perspective on vermicompost production technologies, limitations and prospects
MC Enebe, M Erasmus
Journal of Environmental Management 345, 118585, 2023
Bioleaching of metals from e-waste using microorganisms: a review
AI Adetunji, PJ Oberholster, M Erasmus
Minerals 13 (6), 828, 2023
Gold nanoparticle synthesis using the thermophilic bacterium Thermus scotoductus SA-01 and the purification and characterization of its unusual gold reducing …
M Erasmus, ED Cason, J van Marwijk, E Botes, M Gericke, E van Heerden
Gold Bulletin 47, 245-253, 2014
The genome of a subterrestrial nematode reveals adaptations to heat
DJ Weinstein, SE Allen, MCY Lau, M Erasmus, KC Asalone, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 5268, 2019
From garbage to treasure: A review on biorefinery of organic solid wastes into valuable biobased products
AI Adetunji, PJ Oberholster, M Erasmus
Bioresource Technology Reports 24, 101610, 2023
South African crustal fracture fluids preserve paleometeoric water signatures for up to tens of millions of years
AW Heard, O Warr, G Borgonie, B Linage, O Kuloyo, JW Fellowes, ...
Chemical Geology 493, 379-395, 2018
Aquatic environment exposure and toxicity of engineered nanomaterials released from nano-enabled products: Current status and data needs
MS Moloi, RF Lehutso, M Erasmus, PJ Oberholster, M Thwala
Nanomaterials 11 (11), 2868, 2021
Susceptibility and plant immune control–a case of mycorrhizal strategy for plant colonization, symbiosis and plant immune suppression
MC ENEBE, M Erasmus
Frontiers in Microbiology 14, 1178258, 2023
Mediators of biomass transformation–a focus on the enzyme composition of the vermicomposting process
MC Enebe, M Erasmus
Environmental Challenges 12, 100732, 2023
Marine actinobacteria bioflocculant: a storehouse of unique biotechnological resources for wastewater treatment and other applications
OO Awolusi, AN Ademakinwa, A Ojo, M Erasmus, F Bux, MO Agunbiade
Applied Sciences 10 (21), 7671, 2020
The impact of improper waste disposal on human health and the Environment: A case of Umgungundlovu District Municipality in KwaZulu Natal Province of South Africa
T Raphela, N Manqele, M Erasmus
Frontiers in Sustainability 5, 1386047, 2024
Microbial proteases: A next generation green catalyst for industrial, environmental and biomedical sustainability
AI Adetunji, MO Olaitan, M Erasmus, AO Olaniran
Food Materials Research 3 (12), 2023
Green Synthesis of Bioplastics from Microalgae: A State-of-the-Art Review
AI Adetunji, M Erasmus
Polymers 16 (10), 1322, 2024
Symbiosis—a perspective on the effects of host traits and environmental parameters in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal richness, colonization and ecological functions
MC Enebe, M Erasmus
Agriculture 13 (10), 1899, 2023
Disease suppression in plants: a perspective on the impact of phage-directed soil fertilization in enhancing soil health and sustainability
MC Enebe, M Erasmus
Biological Control, 105429, 2024
Biogenic synthesis and characterization of gold nanoparticles using transformed mesophilic Escherichia coli BL21 and thermophilic Thermus thermophilus HB27
M Erasmus, OA Idris, AI Adetunji, ED Cason
Biologia 79 (8), 2605-2619, 2024
Degradation pathways of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl compounds: removal in water and soil using fungi and plant-based remediation
OA Idris, M Erasmus
Environmental Advances, 100598, 2024
Origins and ages of fracture fluids in the South African Crust
AW Heard, O Warr, G Borgonie, B Linage-Alvarez, O Kuloyo, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2017, H11A-1153, 2017
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