Kang-Di Lu
Wind speed forecasting using nonlinear-learning ensemble of deep learning time series prediction and extremal optimization
J Chen, GQ Zeng, W Zhou, W Du, KD Lu
Energy conversion and management 165, 681-695, 2018
A two-layer nonlinear combination method for short-term wind speed prediction based on ELM, ENN, and LSTM
MR Chen, GQ Zeng, KD Lu, J Weng
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 6 (4), 6997-7010, 2019
Constrained population extremal optimization-based robust load frequency control of multi-area interconnected power system
K Lu, W Zhou, G Zeng, Y Zheng
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 105, 249-271, 2019
EnLSTM-WPEO: Short-term traffic flow prediction by ensemble LSTM, NNCT weight integration, and population extremal optimization
F Zhao, GQ Zeng, KD Lu
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 69 (1), 101-113, 2019
Constrained multi-objective population extremal optimization based economic-emission dispatch incorporating renewable energy resources
MR Chen, GQ Zeng, KD Lu
Renewable Energy 143, 277-294, 2019
Differential evolution-based three stage dynamic cyber-attack of cyber-physical power systems
KD Lu, ZG Wu, T Huang
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 28 (2), 1137-1148, 2022
An adaptive resilient load frequency controller for smart grids with DoS attacks
KD Lu, GQ Zeng, X Luo, J Weng, Y Zhang, M Li
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 69 (5), 4689-4699, 2020
Binary-coded extremal optimization for the design of PID controllers
GQ Zeng, KD Lu, YX Dai, ZJ Zhang, MR Chen, CW Zheng, D Wu, ...
Neurocomputing 138, 180-188, 2014
A novel real-coded population-based extremal optimization algorithm with polynomial mutation: A non-parametric statistical study on continuous optimization problems
LM Li, KD Lu, GQ Zeng, L Wu, MR Chen
Neurocomputing 174, 577-587, 2016
An adaptive fractional-order BP neural network based on extremal optimization for handwritten digits recognition
MR Chen, BP Chen, GQ Zeng, KD Lu, P Chu
Neurocomputing 391, 260-272, 2020
Evolutionary deep belief network for cyber-attack detection in industrial automation and control system
KD Lu, GQ Zeng, X Luo, J Weng, W Luo, Y Wu
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 17 (11), 7618-7627, 2021
Design of multivariable PID controllers using real-coded population-based extremal optimization
GQ Zeng, J Chen, MR Chen, YX Dai, LM Li, KD Lu, CW Zheng
Neurocomputing 151, 1343-1353, 2015
Design of PID controller based on a self-adaptive state-space predictive functional control using extremal optimization method
K Lu, W Zhou, G Zeng, W Du
Journal of the Franklin Institute 355 (5), 2197-2220, 2018
Multi-objective false data injection attacks of cyber–physical power systems
KD Lu, ZG Wu
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 69 (9), 3924-3928, 2022
Constrained-differential-evolution-based stealthy sparse cyber-attack and countermeasure in an AC smart grid
KD Lu, ZG Wu
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 18 (8), 5275-5285, 2021
A many-objective population extremal optimization algorithm with an adaptive hybrid mutation operation
MR Chen, GQ Zeng, KD Lu
Information Sciences 498, 62-90, 2019
Resilient event-triggered load frequency control for cyber-physical power systems under DoS attacks
KD Lu, ZG Wu
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 38 (6), 5302-5313, 2022
Fractional-order model predictive frequency control of an islanded microgrid
MR Chen, GQ Zeng, YX Dai, KD Lu, DQ Bi
Energies 12 (1), 84, 2018
Genetic algorithm-based cumulative sum method for jamming attack detection of cyber-physical power systems
KD Lu, ZG Wu
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 71, 1-10, 2022
An improved artificial bee colony algorithm combined with extremal optimization and Boltzmann Selection probability
MR Chen, JH Chen, GQ Zeng, KD Lu, XF Jiang
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 49, 158-177, 2019
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