Agostino Desalvo
Agostino Desalvo
CNR-IMM Bologna
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Optical, structural and electrical properties of device-quality hydrogenated amorphous silicon-nitrogen films deposited by plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition
F Giorgis, F Giuliani, CF Pirri, E Tresso, C Summonte, R Rizzoli, R Galloni, ...
Philosophical Magazine B 77 (4), 925-944, 1998
Optoelectronic properties, structure and composition of -SiC:H films grown in undiluted and diluted silane-methane plasma
A Desalvo, F Giorgis, CF Pirri, E Tresso, P Rava, R Galloni, R Rizzoli, ...
Journal of applied physics 81 (12), 7973-7980, 1997
Wide band-gap silicon-carbon alloys deposited by very high frequency plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition
C Summonte, R Rizzoli, M Bianconi, A Desalvo, D Iencinella, F Giorgis
Journal of applied physics 96 (7), 3987-3997, 2004
A dielectric calculation of energy loss to valence electrons of channelled protons in silicon
A Desalvo, R Rosa
Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics 10 (10), 1595, 1977
Homojunction and heterojunction silicon solar cells deposited by low temperature–high frequency plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition
J Plá, E Centurioni, C Summonte, R Rizzoli, A Migliori, A Desalvo, ...
Thin Solid Films 405 (1-2), 248-255, 2002
Silicon nanocrystals in carbide matrix
C Summonte, M Allegrezza, M Bellettato, F Liscio, M Canino, A Desalvo, ...
Solar energy materials and solar cells 128, 138-149, 2014
TMAH-textured, a-Si/c-Si, heterojunction solar cells with 10% reflectance
M Rosa, M Allegrezza, M Canino, C Summonte, A Desalvo
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 95 (11), 2987-2993, 2011
Monte Carlo simulation of elastic and inelastic scattering of electrons in thin films. I. Valence electron losses
A Desalvo, A Parisini, R Rosa
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 17 (12), 2455, 1984
A dielectric calculation of energy loss to valence electrons under channeling conditions
F Bonsignori, A Desalvo
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 31 (10), 2191-2198, 1970
Axial-to planar-channeling transition
G Della Mea, AV Drigo, SL Russo, P Mazzoldi, GG Bentini, A Desalvo, ...
Physical Review B 7 (9), 4029, 1973
Atomic collisions in solids
G Della Mea, AV Drigo, SL Russo, P Mazzoldi, S Yamaguchi, GG Bentini, ...
Plenum, New York, 1975
Monte Carlo simulation of elastic and inelastic scattering of electrons in thin films. II. Core electron losses
A Desalvo, R Rosa
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 20 (6), 790, 1987
Monte Carlo calculations on spatial distribution of implanted ions in silicon
A Desalvo, R Rosa
Radiation Effects 31 (1), 41-45, 1976
Computer evaluation of primary deposited energy profiles in ion‐implanted silicon under channeling conditions
A Desalvo, R Rosa, F Zignani
Journal of Applied Physics 43 (9), 3755-3760, 1972
A dielectric approach to electronic energy loss in real solids under channeling conditions
F Bonsignori, A Desalvo
Lettere al Nuovo Cimento (1969-1970) 1 (12), 589-591, 1969
Boron doping of silicon rich carbides: Electrical properties
C Summonte, M Canino, M Allegrezza, M Bellettato, A Desalvo, R Shukla, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: B 178 (9), 551-558, 2013
From the chemical constant to quantum statistics: A thermodynamic route to quantum mechanics
A Desalvo
LS Olschki, 1993
Ultrathin μc-Si films deposited by PECVD
R Rizzoli, C Summonte, J Plá, E Centurioni, G Ruani, A Desalvo, ...
Thin Solid Films 383 (1-2), 7-10, 2001
Plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition of microcrystalline silicon: on the dynamics of the amorphous-microcrystalline interface by optical methods
C Summonte, R Rizzoli, A Desalvo, F Zignani, E Centurioni, R Pinghini, ...
Philosophical Magazine B 80 (4), 459-473, 2000
Electrical conductivity of high-purity zinc
A Desalvo, P Gondi, FA Levi, F Zignani
Il Nuovo Cimento (1955-1965) 31, 904-913, 1964
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