Si Phu Me
Si Phu Me
Australian Energy Market Operator
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Grid forming inverter modeling, control, and applications
DB Rathnayake, M Akrami, C Phurailatpam, SP Me, S Hadavi, ...
Ieee Access 9, 114781-114807, 2021
Nonlinear transient stability analysis of phased-locked loop-based grid-following voltage-source converters using Lyapunov’s direct method
MZ Mansour, SP Me, S Hadavi, B Badrzadeh, A Karimi, B Bahrani
IEEE Journal of emerging and selected topics in Power Electronics 10 (3 …, 2021
Adaptive virtual resistance for postfault oscillation damping in grid-forming inverters
SP Me, S Zabihi, F Blaabjerg, B Bahrani
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 37 (4), 3813-3824, 2021
Transient stability of paralleled virtual synchronous generator and grid-following inverter
SP Me, MH Ravanji, MZ Mansour, S Zabihi, B Bahrani
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 14 (6), 4451-4466, 2023
Transient stability analysis of virtual synchronous generator equipped with quadrature-prioritized current limiter
SP Me, MH Ravanji, B Leonardi, D Ramasubramanian, J Ma, S Zabihi, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 38 (9), 10547-10553, 2023
Virtual synchronous generator versus synchronous condensers: An electromagnetic transient simulation-based comparison
S Hadavi, SP Me, B Bahrani, M Fard, A Zadeh
CIGRE Science and Engineering 24, 2022, 2022
H-Based Control Design for Grid-Forming Inverters With Enhanced Damping and Virtual Inertia
DB Rathnayake, SP Me, R Razzaghi, B Bahrani
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 11 (2 …, 2022
Paper number 1241 Paper title Transient Stability Investigation of Virtual Synchronous Generators in the Presence of Various Types of Current Limiters Study Committee SC C4 …
SP Me, S Hajtaleb, MH Ravanji, B Leonardi, D Ramasubramanian, J Ma, ...
Active Content A Three-Level Buck–Boost Converter With Planar Coupled Inductor and Common-Mode Noise Suppression.................. Y. Cao, Y. Bai, V. Mitrovic, B. Fan, D. Dong …
A Ojeda-Rodrıguez, J Bernal-Méndez, MA Martın-Prats, W Zhong, F Xiang, ...
Transient Stability Analysis and Enhancement of Grid-forming Inverters in the Presence of Energy Storage Systems
Monash University, 0
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