Ahmad Termizi Ramli Ph.D.
Ahmad Termizi Ramli Ph.D.
Formerly Professor of Health Physics, Physics Dept., Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Nigeria electricity crisis: Power generation capacity expansion and environmental ramifications
AS Aliyu, AT Ramli, MA Saleh
Energy 61, 354-367, 2013
Environmental 238U and 232Th concentration measurements in an area of high level natural background radiation at Palong, Johor, Malaysia
AT Ramli, AWMA Hussein, AK Wood
Journal of environmental radioactivity 80 (3), 287-304, 2005
Optical properties of lithium magnesium borate glasses doped with Dy3+ and Sm3+ ions
YSM Alajerami, S Hashim, WMSW Hassan, AT Ramli, A Kasim
Physica B: Condensed Matter 407 (13), 2398-2403, 2012
Radiological monitoring: terrestrial natural radionuclides in Kinta District, Perak, Malaysia
SK Lee, H Wagiran, AT Ramli, NH Apriantoro, AK Wood
Journal of environmental radioactivity 100 (5), 368-374, 2009
The thermoluminescence response of doped SiO2 optical fibres subjected to photon and electron irradiations
S Hashim, S Al-Ahbabi, DA Bradley, M Webb, C Jeynes, AT Ramli, ...
Applied Radiation and Isotopes 67 (3), 423-427, 2009
Malaysia energy strategy towards sustainability: A panoramic overview of the benefits and challenges
NA Basri, AT Ramli, AS Aliyu
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 42, 1094-1105, 2015
Environmental terrestrial gamma radiation dose and its relationship with soil type and underlying geological formations in Pontian District, Malaysia
AT Ramli
Applied radiation and isotopes 48 (3), 407-412, 1997
The world's high background natural radiation areas (HBNRAs) revisited: A broad overview of the dosimetric, epidemiological and radiobiological issues
AS Aliyu, AT Ramli
Radiation Measurements 73, 51-59, 2015
An overview of current knowledge concerning the health and environmental consequences of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) accident
AS Aliyu, N Evangeliou, TA Mousseau, J Wu, AT Ramli
Environment international 85, 213-228, 2015
Assessment of environmental 226Ra, 232Th and 40K concentrations in the region of elevated radiation background in Segamat District, Johor, Malaysia
MA Saleh, AT Ramli, Y Alajerami, AS Aliyu
Journal of environmental radioactivity 124, 130-140, 2013
The effect of titanium oxide on the optical properties of lithium potassium borate glass
YSM Alajerami, S Hashim, WMSW Hassan, AT Ramli
Journal of Molecular Structure 1026, 159-167, 2012
Isodose mapping of terrestrial gamma radiation dose rate of Selangor state, Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya, Malaysia
MSM Sanusi, AT Ramli, HT Gabdo, NN Garba, A Heryanshah, H Wagiran, ...
Journal of environmental radioactivity 135, 67-74, 2014
The thermoluminescence response of doped SiO2 optical fibres subjected to alpha-particle irradiation
AT Ramli, DA Bradley, S Hashim, H Wagiran
Applied Radiation and Isotopes 67 (3), 428-432, 2009
Terrestrial gamma radiation dose study to determine the baseline for environmentalradiological health practices in Melaka state, Malaysia
AT Ramli, S Sahrone, H Wagiran
Journal of Radiological Protection 25 (4), 435, 2005
Geological influence on terrestrial gamma radiation dose rate in the Malaysian State of Johore
AT Ramli, AWMA Hussein, MH Lee
Applied Radiation and Isotopes 54 (2), 327-333, 2001
Assessment of natural radiation levels and associated dose rates from surface soils in Pontian district, Johor, Malaysia
MA Saleh, AT Ramli, Y Alajerami, AS Aliyu
Journal of Ovonic Research 9 (1), 17-27, 2013
Electron irradiation response on Ge and Al-doped SiO2 optical fibres
NH Yaakob, H Wagiran, I Hossain, AT Ramli, DA Bradley, S Hashim, H Ali
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2011
Statistical prediction of terrestrial gamma radiation dose rate based on geological features and soil types in Kota Tinggi district, Malaysia
AT Ramli, ATA Rahman, MH Lee
Applied Radiation and Isotopes 59 (5-6), 393-405, 2003
The thermoluminescence response of doped SiO2 optical fibres subjected to fast neutrons
S Hashim, DA Bradley, MI Saripan, AT Ramli, H Wagiran
Applied Radiation and Isotopes 68 (4-5), 700-703, 2010
Health and ecological hazards due to natural radioactivity in soil from mining areas of Nasarawa State, Nigeria
AS Aliyu, U Ibrahim, CT Akpa, NN Garba, AT Ramli
Isotopes in environmental and health studies 51 (3), 448-468, 2015
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