Onwuchekwa Ogah
Onwuchekwa Ogah
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Phenolic compounds in Rosaceae fruit and nut crops
O Ogah, CS Watkins, BE Ubi, NC Oraguzie
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 62 (39), 9369-9386, 2014
Hypoglycaemic and hypolipidaemic effects of feed formulated with Ceiba pentandra leaves in alloxan induced diabetic rats.
C Aloke, N Nwachukwu, JN Idenyi, EI Ugwuja, EU Nwachi, CO Edeogu, ...
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 4 (9), 4473-4477, 2010
Nutritional and antinutritional characterization of two wild yam species from Abakaliki, southeast Nigeria.
CA Afiukwa, O Ogah, OPC Ugwu, JO Oguguo, FU Ali, EC Ossai
Bioactive compounds in coffee and their role in lowering the risk of major public health consequences: A review
MU Makiso, YB Tola, O Ogah, FL Endale
Food Science & Nutrition, 2023
Lipid and lipoprotein levels in children with malaria parasitaemia
SO Ogbodo, O Ogah, HA Obu, EN Shu, C Afiukwa
Curr Pediatr Res 12 (1&2), 13-17, 2008
Variations in seed phytic and oxalic acid contents among Nigerian cowpea accessions and their relationship with grain yield.
CA Afiukwa, IO Igwenyi, O Ogah, CE Offor, OO Ugwu
Metabolomics: A suitable foodomics approach to the geographical origin traceability of Ethiopian Arabica specialty coffees
MU Markos, Y Tola, BT Kebede, O Ogah
Food Science & Nutrition 11 (8), 4419-4431, 2023
Characterization of cowpea cultivars for variations in seed contents of some antinutritional factors (ANFs).
CA Afiukwa, O Onwuchekwa, UA Ibiam, CO Edeogu, PM Aja
Effect of different growth media on the cell densities of freshwater microalgae isolates
JN Idenyi, LN Ebenyi, O Ogah, BU Nwali, ME Ogbanshi
IOSR-JPBS 11 (3), 24-28, 2016
Hybrid Vigor and Heritability Estimates in Tomato Crosses Involving Solanum lycopersicum × S. pimpinellifolium under Cool Tropical Monsoon Climate
CO Ene, WG Abtew, HO Oselebe, FU Ozi, O Ogah, EC Okechukwu, ...
International Journal of Agronomy 2023, 2023
Determinants and outcomes of elective and emergency caesarean section at a tertiary hospital in Abakaliki, Southeast Nigeria: A 6‑year review
OG Asiegbu, UV Asiegbu, EJ Mamah, CC Anikwe, OE Ogah, ...
Tropical Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 36 (2), 200-205, 2019
Determination of Phytochemical and Antioxidant Properties of Some Rice Varieties and Hybrids Grown in Ebonyi State, Nigeria
HO Oselebe, O Ogah, MI Odo, KI Ogbu
Nigerian Journal of Biotechnology 26, 60-67, 2013
Effects of substituting some components of broilers’ feed with crude aqueous extract of fresh leaves of Mucuna ponggei, AAsian J. Biol
AO Oko, ST Nwoba, JN Idenyi, O Ogah, OO Ugwu, LU Ehihia
Life Sci 3 (1), 244-253, 2012
Effects of substituting some components of broilers’ feed with aqueous extract of fresh leaves of Mucuna poggei
AO Oko, ST Nwoba, JN Idenyi, O Ogah, OO Ugwu, LU Ehihia
Journal of Biology and Life Science 3 (1), 243-253, 2012
The effect of pyrethroid-based insecticides (rambo and raid mosquito coil) smoke on some biochemical indices in albino rats and the protective effect of aqueous extract of …
UO Ogbonnia, IA Udu, EA Okorocha, O Grace, O Onwuchekwa
Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 24 (2), 306-313, 1990
Evaluation of Fetal Haemoglobin status among Nigerian patients with sickle cell anaemia using High Performance Liquid Chromatography
NI Ugwu, EO Nna, CN Ugwu, EO Onwe, C Okike, RC Ikeagwulonu
West African Journal of Medicine 38 (3), 222-227, 2021
Effects Of Annona Muricata On Total Protein, Albumin, Globulin And Body Weight In Paracetamol Overdose-Induced Liver Damage In Albino Rats
O Ogah, C Aloke, OO Ugwu, ME Ogbashi, I John, AE Oko, SC Onuoha
IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology 10 (6 …, 2016
Administration of water and salt samples from Okposi and Uburu Nigerian Salt Lakes induce Oxidative stress in the reproductive parameters of adult male Sprague-Dawley rats
ME Ogbanshi, EI Akubugwo, O Onwuchekwa, FU Ali, LN Ebenyi, CE Offor, ...
Global Journal of Pharmacology 9 (4), 345-351, 2015
Utilizing HS-SPME-GC-MS for Regional Classification of Ethiopian Green Coffee Beans: An In-Depth Analysis of Volatile Compounds
MM Urugo, YB Tola, BT Kebede, O Onwuchekwa, DS Mattinson
ACS Food Science & Technology, 2024
Insight into the effects of environmental variables on the physicochemical characteristics and biochemical composition of green Arabica coffee
MM Urugo, YB Tola, BT Kebede, O Ogah
Beverage Plant Research 4 (1), 2024
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