Fatna Belqasmi
Wireless sensor network virtualization: A survey
I Khan, F Belqasmi, R Glitho, N Crespi, M Morrow, P Polakos
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 18 (1), 553-576, 2015
RESTful web services for service provisioning in next-generation networks: a survey
F Belqasmi, R Glitho, C Fu
IEEE Communications Magazine 49 (12), 66-73, 2011
A comprehensive survey of the tactile internet: State-of-the-art and research directions
N Promwongsa, A Ebrahimzadeh, D Naboulsi, S Kianpisheh, F Belqasmi, ...
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 23 (1), 472-523, 2020
SOAP-based vs. RESTful web services: a case study for multimedia conferencing
F Belqasmi, J Singh, SYB Melhem, RH Glitho
IEEE internet computing 16 (4), 54-63, 2012
Wireless sensor network virtualization: early architecture and research perspectives
I Khan, F Belqasmi, R Glitho, N Crespi, M Morrow, P Polakos
IEEE Network 29 (3), 104-112, 2015
Malware detection using dns records and domain name features
KA Messabi, M Aldwairi, AA Yousif, A Thoban, F Belqasmi
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Future Networks and …, 2018
A blockchain based architecture for the detection of fake sensing in mobile crowdsensing
M Arafeh, M El Barachi, A Mourad, F Belqasmi
2019 4th International conference on smart and sustainable technologies …, 2019
A multi-layer architecture for wireless sensor network virtualization
I Khan, F Belqasmi, R Glitho, N Crespi
6th Joint IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC), 1-4, 2013
Ensuring reliability and low cost when using a parallel VNF processing approach to embed delay-constrained slices
N Promwongsa, M Abu-Lebdeh, S Kianpisheh, F Belqasmi, RH Glitho, ...
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 17 (4), 2226-2241, 2020
RESTful web services for bridging presence service across technologies and domains: an early feasibility prototype
C Fu, F Belqasmi, R Glitho
IEEE Communications Magazine 48 (12), 92-100, 2010
A machine learning framework for handling delayed/lost packets in tactile internet remote robotic surgery
F Boabang, A Ebrahimzadeh, RH Glitho, H Elbiaze, M Maier, F Belqasmi
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 18 (4), 4829-4845, 2021
Ambient network composition
F Belqasmi, R Glitho, ER Dssouli
IEEE Network 22 (4), 6-12, 2008
A framework for predicting haptic feedback in needle insertion in 5G remote robotic surgery
F Boabang, R Glitho, H Elbiaze, F Belqami, O Alfandi
2020 IEEE 17th Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC …, 2020
An infrastructure for robotic applications as cloud computing services
C Mouradian, FZ Errounda, F Belqasmi, R Glitho
2014 IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT), 377-382, 2014
A fog-based architecture for remote phobia treatment
Y Jebbar, F Belqasmi, R Glitho, O Alfandi
2019 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science …, 2019
Signaling framework for negotiating and executing composition of registries
F Belqasmi, R Glitho, R Dssouli
US Patent 8,005,015, 2011
Design and implementation of advanced multimedia conferencing applications in the 3GPP IP multimedia subsystem
F Belqasmi, C Fu, M Alrubaye, R Glitho
IEEE Communications Magazine 47 (11), 156-163, 2009
A case study on the deployment of a tactile internet application in a hybrid cloud, edge, and mobile ad hoc cloud environment
Y Jebbar, N Promwongsa, F Belqasmi, RH Glitho
IEEE Systems Journal 16 (1), 1182-1193, 2021
A cloud-based architecture for multimedia conferencing service provisioning
A Soltanian, F Belqasmi, S Yangui, MA Salahuddin, R Glitho, H Elbiaze
IEEE Access 6, 9792-9806, 2018
Towards an open source architecture for multi-operator LTE core networks
RM Alaez, JMA Calero, F Belqasmi, M El-Barachi, M Badra, O Alfandi
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 75, 101-109, 2016
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