Quyen T. Dang
International business-government relations: The risk management strategies of MNEs in emerging economies
QT Dang, P Jasovska, HG Rammal
Journal of World Business 55 (1), 101042, 2020
Expatriates' families: A systematic literature review and research agenda
QT Dang, HG Rammal, S Michailova
Human Resource Management Review 32 (4), 100877, 2022
Formal-informal channels of university-industry knowledge transfer: The case of Australian business schools
QT Dang, P Jasovska, HG Rammal, K Schlenker
Knowledge Management Research & Practice 17 (4), 384-395, 2019
Japanese expatriates' management in global assignments: A review and research agenda
QT Dang, HG Rammal
Thunderbird International Business Review 62 (6), 689-705, 2020
‘Value flows’ between talent and their networks: a case study of international graduates working in Vietnam’s emerging economy
L Pham, QT Dang
The InTernaTIonal Journal of human resource managemenT 33 (11), 2285-2315, 2022
Perceived advantages and disadvantages of information communication technology adoption among restaurants in an emerging economy: A diffusion of innovations view
AD Alonso, OTK Vu, TD Tran, TT Nguyen, QT Dang, G Maheshwari
International Journal of Hospitality Management 122, 103837, 2024
Reflections on a double-whammy crisis among hospitality and tourism business operators of a popular tourist destination
A Duarte Alonso, OTK Vu, S Velasquez, QT Dang, JM Pang
Tourism and Hospitality Research, 14673584241276169, 2024
‘Caught in the middle’: Effects on and reactions of Vietnamese timber exporters in the context of US-China economic sanctions
QT Dang, HG Rammal, PN Ghauri, P Jasovska, S Velasquez
Journal of World Business 59 (6), 101583, 2024
University-industry knowledge collaborations in emerging countries: the outcomes and effectiveness in Vietnam
QT Dang, HG Rammal, TQ Nguyen
Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 1-20, 2024
How does Family Matter? Investigating the Experiences of Expatriates and their Families in International Assignments
QT Dang
PQDT-Global, 2020
Internationalization of State-Owned Enterprises from Transitioning Economies
P Jasovska, QT Dang, Y Guo, HG Rammal
Academy of Management Proceedings 2020 (1), 19020, 2020
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