John W Moreau
Mercury sources, distribution, and bioavailability in the North Pacific Ocean: Insights from data and models
EM Sunderland, DP Krabbenhoft, JW Moreau, SA Strode, WM Landing
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 23 (2), 2009
Uranium mobility in organic matter-rich sediments: A review of geological and geochemical processes
SA Cumberland, G Douglas, K Grice, JW Moreau
Earth-Science Reviews 159, 160-185, 2016
Extracellular proteins limit the dispersal of biogenic nanoparticles
JW Moreau, PK Weber, MC Martin, B Gilbert, ID Hutcheon, JF Banfield
Science 316 (5831), 1600-1603, 2007
Microbial mercury methylation in Antarctic sea ice
CM Gionfriddo, MT Tate, RR Wick, MB Schultz, A Zemla, MP Thelen, ...
Nature microbiology 1 (10), 1-12, 2016
Mineralogical biosignatures and the search for life on Mars
JF Banfield, JW Moreau, CS Chan, SA Welch, B Little
Astrobiology 1 (4), 447-465, 2001
Ultrastructure, aggregation-state, and crystal growth of biogenic nanocrystalline sphalerite and wurtzite
JW Moreau, RI Webb, JF Banfield
American Mineralogist 89 (7), 950-960, 2004
Impact features on Europa: results of the Galileo Europa Mission (GEM)
JM Moore, E Asphaug, MJS Belton, B Bierhaus, HH Breneman, ...
Icarus 151 (1), 93-111, 2001
Mercury methylation by metabolically versatile and cosmopolitan marine bacteria
H Lin, DB Ascher, Y Myung, CH Lamborg, SJ Hallam, CM Gionfriddo, ...
The ISME Journal 15 (6), 1810-1825, 2021
Ancient DNA from marine sediments: Precautions and considerations for seafloor coring, sample handling and data generation
LH Armbrecht, MJL Coolen, F Lejzerowicz, SC George, K Negandhi, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 196, 102887, 2019
Model biomimetic studies of templated growth and assembly of nanocrystalline FeOOH
M Nesterova, J Moreau, JF Banfield
Geochimica et cosmochimica acta 67 (6), 1185-1195, 2003
A Transmission Electron Microscopy Study of Silica and Kerogen Biosignatures in ̃1. 9 Ga Gunflint Microfossils
JW Moreau, TG Sharp
Astrobiology 4 (2), 196-210, 2004
Diversity of Dissimilatory Sulfite Reductase Genes (dsrAB) in a Salt Marsh Impacted by Long-Term Acid Mine Drainage
JW Moreau, RA Zierenberg, JF Banfield
Applied and environmental microbiology 76 (14), 4819-4828, 2010
The Effect of Natural Organic Matter on Mercury Methylation by Desulfobulbus propionicus 1pr3
JW Moreau, CM Gionfriddo, DP Krabbenhoft, JM Ogorek, JF DeWild, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 6, 1389, 2015
Environmental considerations for subseabed geological storage of CO2: A review
AG Carroll, R Przeslawski, LC Radke, JR Black, K Picard, JW Moreau, ...
Continental Shelf Research 83, 116-128, 2014
Quantifying heavy metals sequestration by sulfate-reducing bacteria in an acid mine drainage-contaminated natural wetland
JW Moreau, JH Fournelle, JF Banfield
Frontiers in microbiology 4, 43, 2013
Thio arsenic species measurements in marine organisms and geothermal waters
WA Maher, S Foster, F Krikowa, E Duncan, A St John, K Hug, JW Moreau
Microchemical Journal 111, 82-90, 2013
Microbial contributions to coupled arsenic and sulfur cycling in the acid-sulfide hot spring Champagne Pool, New Zealand
K Hug, WA Maher, MB Stott, F Krikowa, S Foster, JW Moreau
Frontiers in Microbiology, 2014
Changes in the deep subsurface microbial biosphere resulting from a field-scale CO2 geosequestration experiment
A Mu, C Boreham, HX Leong, RR Haese, JW Moreau
Frontiers in microbiology 5, 209, 2014
Characterization of uranium redox state in organic-rich Eocene sediments
SA Cumberland, B Etschmann, J Brugger, G Douglas, K Evans, L Fisher, ...
Chemosphere 194, 602-613, 2018
Distribution of iron-and sulfate-reducing bacteria across a coastal acid sulfate soil (CASS) environment: implications for passive bioremediation by tidal inundation
YC Ling, R Bush, K Grice, S Tulipani, L Berwick, JW Moreau
Frontiers in Microbiology 6, 624, 2015
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