Wenchao Ma
GDINA: An R package for cognitive diagnosis modeling
W Ma, J de la Torre
Journal of Statistical Software 93, 1-26, 2020
A sequential cognitive diagnosis model for polytomous responses
W Ma, J de la Torre
British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 69 (3), 253-275, 2016
Model similarity, model selection, and attribute classification
W Ma, C Iaconangelo, J de la Torre
Applied Psychological Measurement 40 (3), 200-217, 2016
An empirical Q‐matrix validation method for the sequential generalized DINA model
W Ma, J de la Torre
British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 73 (1), 142-163, 2020
Assessing argumentation using machine learning and cognitive diagnostic modeling
X Zhai, KC Haudek, W Ma
Research in Science Education 53 (2), 405-424, 2023
Cognitive diagnosis models for multiple strategies
W Ma, W Guo
British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 72 (2), 370-392, 2019
Estimating cognitive diagnosis models in small samples: Bayes modal estimation and monotonic constraints
W Ma, Z Jiang
Applied Psychological Measurement 45 (2), 95-111, 2021
Choosing between CDM and unidimensional IRT: The proportional reasoning test case
W Ma, N Minchen, J de la Torre
Measurement: Interdisciplinary Research and Perspectives 18 (2), 87-96, 2020
A diagnostic tree model for polytomous responses with multiple strategies
W Ma
British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 72 (1), 61-82, 2019
Can generative AI and ChatGPT outperform humans on cognitive-demanding problem-solving tasks in science?
X Zhai, M Nyaaba, W Ma
Science & Education, 1-22, 2024
Detecting differential item functioning using multiple-group cognitive diagnosis models
W Ma, R Terzi, J de la Torre
Applied Psychological Measurement 45 (1), 37-53, 2021
Evaluating the fit of sequential G-DINA model using limited-information measures
W Ma
Applied psychological measurement 44 (3), 167-181, 2020
A Sequential Higher Order Latent Structural Model for Hierarchical Attributes in Cognitive Diagnostic Assessments
P Zhan, W Ma, H Jiao, S Ding
Applied Psychological Measurement, 2019
A higher-order cognitive diagnosis model with ordinal attributes for dichotomous response data
W Ma
Multivariate behavioral research 57 (2-3), 408-421, 2022
Category-Level Model Selection for the Sequential G-DINA Model
W Ma, J de la Torre
Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics 44 (1), 45-77, 2019
A tutorial on cognitive diagnosis modeling for characterizing mental health symptom profiles using existing item responses
Z Tan, J De la Torre, W Ma, D Huh, ME Larimer, EY Mun
Prevention Science 24 (3), 480-492, 2023
Cognitive diagnosis modeling: A general framework approach and its implementation in R
J de la Torre, W Ma
Fourth Conference on Statistical Methods in Psychometrics, Columbia …, 2016
Cognitively diagnostic analysis using the G-DINA model in R
Q Shi, W Ma, A Robitzsch, MA Sorrel, K Man
Psych 3 (4), 812-835, 2021
Integrating differential evolution optimization to cognitive diagnostic model estimation
Z Jiang, W Ma
Frontiers in psychology 9, 2018
Cognitive diagnosis modeling using the GDINA R package
W Ma
Handbook of diagnostic classification models: Models and model extensions …, 2019
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