Matthew O'Toole
Matthew O'Toole
Assistant Professor, Carnegie Mellon University
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Confocal non-line-of-sight imaging based on the light-cone transform
M O’Toole, DB Lindell, G Wetzstein
Nature 555 (7696), 338-341, 2018
Wave-based non-line-of-sight imaging using fast f-k migration
DB Lindell, G Wetzstein, M O'Toole
ACM Transactions on Graphics (ToG) 38 (4), 1-13, 2019
Single-photon 3d imaging with deep sensor fusion.
DB Lindell, M O'Toole, G Wetzstein
ACM Trans. Graph. 37 (4), 113, 2018
Homogeneous codes for energy-efficient illumination and imaging
M O'Toole, S Achar, SG Narasimhan, KN Kutulakos
ACM Transactions on Graphics (ToG) 34 (4), 1-13, 2015
3D shape and indirect appearance by structured light transport
M O’Toole, J Mather, KN Kutulakos
Proc. CVPR, 2014
Non-line-of-sight imaging with partial occluders and surface normals
F Heide, M O’Toole, K Zang, DB Lindell, S Diamond, G Wetzstein
ACM Transactions on Graphics (ToG) 38 (3), 1-10, 2019
Temporal frequency probing for 5D transient analysis of global light transport
M O'Toole, F Heide, L Xiao, MB Hullin, W Heidrich, KN Kutulakos
ACM Transactions on Graphics (ToG) 33 (4), 1-11, 2014
Reconstructing transient images from single-photon sensors
M O'Toole, F Heide, DB Lindell, K Zang, S Diamond, G Wetzstein
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2017
Decomposing global light transport using time of flight imaging
D Wu, A Velten, M O’Toole, B Masia, A Agrawal, Q Dai, R Raskar
International journal of computer vision 107 (2), 123-138, 2014
BRDF acquisition with basis illumination
A Ghosh, S Achutha, W Heidrich, M O'Toole
2007 IEEE 11th International Conference on Computer Vision, 1-8, 2007
Primal-dual coding to probe light transport.
M O'Toole, R Raskar, KN Kutulakos
ACM Trans. Graph. 31 (4), 39:1-39:11, 2012
TöRF: Time-of-Flight Radiance Fields for Dynamic Scene View Synthesis
B Attal, E Laidlaw, A Gokaslan, C Kim, C Richardt, J Tompkin, M O'Toole
arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.15271, 2021
HyperReel: High-fidelity 6-DoF video with ray-conditioned sampling
B Attal, JB Huang, C Richardt, M Zollhoefer, J Kopf, M O’Toole, C Kim
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2023
Optical computing for fast light transport analysis.
M O'Toole, KN Kutulakos
ACM Trans. Graph. 29 (6), 164, 2010
Optical non-line-of-sight physics-based 3d human pose estimation
M Isogawa, Y Yuan, M O'Toole, KM Kitani
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2020
Tracking multiple objects outside the line of sight using speckle imaging
BM Smith, M O'Toole, M Gupta
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2018
Time-multiplexed neural holography: a flexible framework for holographic near-eye displays with fast heavily-quantized spatial light modulators
S Choi, M Gopakumar, Y Peng, J Kim, M O'Toole, G Wetzstein
ACM SIGGRAPH 2022 Conference Proceedings, 1-9, 2022
A basis illumination approach to BRDF measurement
A Ghosh, W Heidrich, S Achutha, M O’Toole
International journal of computer vision 90, 183-197, 2010
Frequency analysis of transient light transport with applications in bare sensor imaging
D Wu, G Wetzstein, C Barsi, T Willwacher, M O’Toole, N Naik, Q Dai, ...
Computer Vision–ECCV 2012: 12th European Conference on Computer Vision …, 2012
All-in-one drive: A comprehensive perception dataset with high-density long-range point clouds
X Weng, Y Man, J Park, Y Yuan, M O'Toole, KM Kitani
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