Satadal Sengupta
Satadal Sengupta
Ph.D. Candidate, Computer Science, Princeton University
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
HotDASH: Hotspot aware adaptive video streaming using deep reinforcement learning
S Sengupta, N Ganguly, S Chakraborty, P De
2018 IEEE 26th International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), 165-175, 2018
Continuous in-network round-trip time monitoring
S Sengupta, H Kim, J Rexford
Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2022 Conference, 473-485, 2022
Candid with youtube: Adaptive streaming behavior and implications on data consumption
A Mondal, S Sengupta, BR Reddy, MJV Koundinya, C Govindarajan, ...
Proceedings of the 27th Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support …, 2017
Enabling passive measurement of zoom performance in production networks
O Michel, S Sengupta, H Kim, R Netravali, J Rexford
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM internet measurement conference, 244-260, 2022
Exploiting diversity in android tls implementations for mobile app traffic classification
S Sengupta, N Ganguly, P De, S Chakraborty
The World Wide Web Conference, 1657-1668, 2019
Design of efficient lightweight strategies to combat DoS attack in delay tolerant network routing
S Saha, S Nandi, R Verma, S Sengupta, K Singh, V Sinha, SK Das
Wireless Networks 24, 173-194, 2018
On the free bridge across the digital divide: Assessing the quality of facebook's free basics service
R Sen, HA Pirzada, A Phokeer, ZA Farooq, S Sengupta, D Choffnes, ...
Proceedings of the 2016 Internet Measurement Conference, 127-133, 2016
A qualitative survey on multicast routing in delay tolerant networks
S Patra, S Saha, V Shah, S Sengupta, KG Singh, S Nandi
International Conference on Computer Networks and Communications, 197-206, 2011
CRAWDAD dataset iitkgp/apptraffic (v. 2015-11-26)
S Sengupta, H Gupta, N Ganguly, B Mitra, P De, S Chakraborty
Downloaded from, 2015
Prediction of quality degradation for mobile video streaming apps: A case study using YouTube
D Jain, S Agrawal, S Sengupta, P De, B Mitra, S Chakraborty
2016 8th International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks …, 2016
MoViDiff: Enabling Service Differentiation for Mobile Video Apps
S Sengupta, VK Yadav, Y Saraf, H Gupta, N Ganguly, S Chakraborty, ...
IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management, 2017
Understanding data traffic behaviour for smartphone video and audio apps
S Sengupta, H Gupta, P De, B Mitra, S Chakraborty, N Ganguly
2016 8th International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks …, 2016
Magneto: Leveraging Magnetic Field Changes for Inferring Smartphone App Usage
MR Dey, S Sengupta, BK Mohanta, D Jena, S Chakraborty
Proceedings of the 24th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing …, 2018
Leveraging facebook's free basics engine for web service deployment in developing regions
S Singh, V Nanda, R Sen, S Sengupta, P Kumaraguru, KP Gummadi
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Information and …, 2017
CommBox: Utilizing sensors for real-time cricket shot identification and commentary generation
A Sharma, J Arora, P Khan, S Satapathy, S Agarwal, S Sengupta, ...
2017 9th International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks …, 2017
SRSnF: a strategy for secured routing in spray and focus routing protocol for DTN
S Saha, R Verma, S Sengupta, V Mishra, S Nandi
Advances in Computing and Information Technology: Proceedings of the Second …, 2012
Fine-Grained RTT Monitoring Inside the Network
S Sengupta, H Kim, J Rexford
Measuring Network Quality for End-Users, 2021
Role of network control packets in smartphone energy drainage
C Govindarajan, S Sengupta, P De, B Mitra, S Chakraborty
2016 8th International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks …, 2016
CRAWDAD dataset iitkgp/apptraffic (v. 2015‑11‑26), traceset: apptraffictraces
S Sengupta, H Gupta, N Ganguly, B Mitra, P De, S Chakraborty
An empirical analysis of facebook's free basics
S Singh, V Nanda, R Sen, S Ahmad, S Sengupta, A Phokeer, ZA Farooq, ...
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGMETRICS/International Conference on …, 2017
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