Martin Schneider
Martin Schneider
Professor für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Universität Paderborn
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Mapping the institutional capital of high-tech firms: A fuzzy-set analysis of capitalist variety and export performance
MR Schneider, C Schulze-Bentrop, M Paunescu
Journal of International Business Studies 41, 246-266, 2010
Changing varieties of capitalism and revealed comparative advantages from 1990 to 2005: A test of the Hall and Soskice claims
MR Schneider, M Paunescu
Socio-economic review 10 (4), 731-753, 2012
Judicial career incentives and court performance: an empirical study of the German labour courts of appeal
MR Schneider
European Journal of Law and Economics 20, 127-144, 2005
Effect of workforce age on quantitative and qualitative organizational performance: Conceptual framework and case study evidence
U Backes-Gellner, MR Schneider, S Veen
Organization Studies 32 (8), 1103-1121, 2011
Embracing Complex Causality with the QCA Method: An Invitation
A Eggert, MR Schneider
Journal of Business Market Management 7 (1), 312-328, 2014
Digitalization of production, human capital, and organizational capital
M Schneider
The impact of digitalization in the workplace: an educational view, 39-52, 2018
Expatriate compensation packages: what do employees prefer?
D Warneke, M Schneider
Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal 18 (2), 236-256, 2011
Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und Dynamik institutioneller Standortbedingungen: Ein empirischer Test des" Varieties-of-Capitalism"-Ansatzes
M Panuescu, M Schneider
Journal of Contextual Economics–Schmollers Jahrbuch, 31-59, 2004
The gender pay gap in European executive boards: the role of executives’ pathway into the board
MR Schneider, A Iseke, K Pull
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 32 (14), 2952-2974, 2021
Human resource management and radical innovation: a fuzzy-set QCA of US multinationals in Germany, Switzerland, and the UK
U Backes-Gellner, M Kluike, K Pull, MR Schneider, S Teuber
Journal of Business Economics 86, 751-772, 2016
The impact of European integration and German unification on industrial relations in Germany
D Sadowski, M Schneider, K Wagner
British Journal of Industrial Relations 32 (4), 523-537, 1994
Organisationskapital und Humankapital als strategische Ressourcen
M Schneider
German Journal of Human Resource Management 22 (1), 12-34, 2008
Performance management by culture in the national labor relations board's division of judges and the German labor courts of appeal
M Schneider
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 14 (1), 19-32, 2004
Cross‐cutting organizational and demographic divides and the performance of research and development teams: two wrongs can make a right
A Iseke, B Kocks, MR Schneider, C Schulze‐Bentrop
R&D Management 45 (1), 23-40, 2015
Employment Litigation on the Rise-Comparing British Employment Tribunals and German Labor Courts
M Schneider
Comp. Lab. L. & Pol'y J. 22, 261, 2000
Vertrauen: Voraussetzung oder Ergebnis effizienter Arbeitsbeziehungen?-Gutenbergs Solidaritätsaxiom und die institutionenökonomische Unternehmenstheorie
D Sadowski, K Pull, M Schneider
Quint-Essenzen, 1998
A matter of degree: The continuing training gap for women in Europe
C Wozny, MR Schneider
Socio-Economic Review 12 (2), 353-379, 2014
Zielvorgaben und organisationskultur: Eine fallstudie
M Schneider
Die Betriebswirtschaft 67 (6), 619, 2007
Personalpolitische Anpassungen als Risikomanagement: ein ökonomischer Beitrag zur Theorie des flexiblen Unternehmens
M Schneider
München und Mering: Rainer Hampp Verlag, 1998
Vorschläge zu einer neuen Lohnpolitik: Optionen für mehr Beschäftigung
D Sadowski, M Schneider, K Pull
(No Title), 1997
Sistema negali atlikti operacijos. Bandykite vėliau dar kartą.
Straipsniai 1–20