Andrews Cordolino Sobral
Andrews Cordolino Sobral
Ph.D. on Computer Vision and Machine Learning, Head of Artificial Intelligence (AI) at ActiveEon
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
A comprehensive review of background subtraction algorithms evaluated with synthetic and real videos
A Sobral, A Vacavant
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 122, 4-21, 2014
Decomposition into Low-rank plus Additive Matrices for Background/Foreground Separation: A Review for a Comparative Evaluation with a Large-Scale Dataset
T Bouwmans, A Sobral, S Javed, S Ki Jung, EH Zahzah
arXiv:1511.01245, 2015
BGSLibrary: An OpenCV C++ Background Subtraction Library
A Sobral
IX Workshop de Visão Computacional (WVC’2013), 2013
Human Pose Estimation from Monocular Images: A Comprehensive Survey
W Gong, X Zhang, J Gonzalez, A Sobral, T Bouwmans, C Tu, E Zahzah
LRSLibrary: Low-Rank and Sparse tools for Background Modeling and Subtraction in Videos
A Sobral, T Bouwmans, E Zahzah
Robust Low-Rank and Sparse Matrix Decomposition: Applications in Image and …, 2015
Handbook of robust low-rank and sparse matrix decomposition: Applications in image and video processing
T Bouwmans, NS Aybat, E Zahzah
CRC Press, 2016
Online Stochastic Tensor Decomposition for Background Subtraction in Multispectral Video Sequences
A Sobral, S Javed, S Ki Jung, T Bouwmans, E Zahzah
IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Workshop on Robust …, 2015
Double-constrained RPCA based on Saliency Maps for Foreground Detection in Automated Maritime Surveillance
A Sobral, T Bouwmans, E Zahzah
International Workshop on Identification and Surveillance for Border Control …, 2015
Highway Traffic Congestion Classification Using Holistic Properties
A Sobral, L Oliveira, L Schnitman, F De Souza
10th IASTED International Conference on Signal Processing, Pattern …, 2013
Background Subtraction via Superpixel-based Online Matrix Decomposition with Structured Foreground Constraints
S Javed, S Ho Oh, A Sobral, T Bouwmans, S Ki Jung
IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Workshop on Robust …, 2015
BGS Library: A Library Framework for Algorithm’s Evaluation in Foreground/Background Segmentation
A Sobral, T Bouwmans
Background Modeling and Foreground Detection for Video Surveillance, 2014
Matrix and Tensor Completion Algorithms for Background Model Initialization: A Comparative Evaluation
A Sobral, E Zahzah
Pattern Recognition Letters (PRL), Special Issue on Scene Background …, 2016
Incremental and Multi-feature Tensor Subspace Learning applied for Background Modeling and Subtraction
A Sobral, CG Baker, T Bouwmans, E Zahzah
International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR 2014), 2014
OR-PCA with MRF for robust foreground detection in highly dynamic backgrounds
S Javed, SH Oh, A Sobral, T Bouwmans, SK Jung
Computer Vision--ACCV 2014: 12th Asian Conference on Computer Vision …, 2015
Comparison of Matrix Completion Algorithms for Background Initialization in Videos
A Sobral, T Bouwmans, E Zahzah
Scene Background Modeling and Initialization (SBMI) Workshop in conjunction …, 2015
OR-PCA with Dynamic Feature Selection for Robust Background Subtraction
S Javed, A Sobral, T Bouwmans, S Ki Jung
In Proceedings of the 30th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM …, 2015
An automatic facial expression recognition system evaluated with different classifiers
C Silva, A Sobral, RT Vieira
X Workshop de Visão Computacional (WVC’2014), 2014
Robust low-rank and sparse decomposition for moving object detection: from matrices to tensors
AC Sobral
Université de La Rochelle, 2017
Discovering Local Binary Pattern Equation for Foreground Object Removal in Videos
CPE Silva, AC Sobral, A Vacavant, T Bouwmans, F De Souza
arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.06305, 2023
Automated Mathematical Equation Structure Discovery for Visual Analysis
CPE Silva, JAM De Souza, A Vacavant, T Bouwmans, AC Sobral
arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.08633, 2021
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