Cassie Storlie
Cassie Storlie
Professor, Counselor Education and Supervision
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Cultural trailblazers: Exploring the career development of Latina first‐generation college students
CA Storlie, SJ Mostade, D Duenyas
The Career Development Quarterly 64 (4), 304-317, 2016
Perceptions of professional identity development from counselor educators in leadership positions
H Woo, CA Storlie, ER Baltrinic
Counselor Education and Supervision 55 (4), 278-293, 2016
College students with high‐functioning autism spectrum disorder: Best practices for successful transition to the world of work
AO Dipeolu, C Storlie, C Johnson
Journal of College Counseling 18 (2), 175-190, 2015
Voices of Hispanic College Students: A Content Analysis of Qualitative Research Within the Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences
CA Storlie, LS Moreno, TAA Portman
Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 36 (1), 64-78, 2014
Social justice collaboration in schools: A model for working with undocumented Latino students
CA Storlie, EA Jach
Journal for Social Action in Counseling & Psychology 4 (2), 99-116, 2012
Transition to college and students with high functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder: Strategy considerations for school counselors.
AO Dipeolu, C Storlie, C Johnson
Journal of School Counseling 12 (11), n11, 2014
Dysfunctional career thoughts and attitudes as predictors of vocational identity among young adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
A Dipeolu, JL Sniatecki, CA Storlie, S Hargrave
Journal of Vocational Behavior 82 (2), 79-84, 2013
Multicultural leadership development: A qualitative analysis of emerging leaders in counselor education
CA Storlie, M Parker-Wright, H Woo
Journal of Counselor Leadership and Advocacy 2 (2), 154-169, 2015
School counselors’ intervention in bias-related incidents among Latino students
RB Toomey, CA Storlie
Journal of School Violence 15 (3), 343-364, 2016
Career narratives of African American female college students: Insights for college counselors
CA Storlie, TL Hilton, D Duenyas, R Archer, K Glavin
Journal of College Counseling 21 (1), 29-42, 2018
Professional functioning: Exploring developmental narratives of counselor trainees
CA Storlie, ER Baltrinic, SJ Mostade, T Darby
Counselor Education and Supervision 56 (3), 225-240, 2017
Facets of career development in a new immigrant destination: Exploring the associations among school climate, belief in self, school engagement, and academic achievement
CA Storlie, RB Toomey
Journal of Career Development 47 (1), 44-58, 2020
A content analysis of the domains of advocacy competencies in select counseling journals: 2004–2016
CA Storlie, H Woo, M Fink, A Fowler
Journal of Counselor Leadership and Advocacy 6 (1), 42-54, 2019
Making room for leadership and advocacy in site supervision
CA Storlie, E Baltrinic, MA Fye, SM Wood, J Cox
Journal of Counselor Leadership and Advocacy 6 (1), 1-15, 2019
Professional school counselor perceptions of systemic barriers affecting Latino students: Implications for socially just preparation and practice
CA Storlie, RB Toomey
Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision 8 (2), 7, 2016
Microaggression experiences of fathers with children with autism spectrum disorder
MD Hannon, R Blanchard, CA Storlie
The Family Journal 27 (2), 199-208, 2019
Familial and social influences in career exploration for female youth of color: A study of relational cultural theory
CA Storlie, K Albritton, JL Cureton
The Family Journal 25 (4), 351-358, 2017
The effects of a wellness intervention in supervision
CA Storlie, CK Smith
The Clinical Supervisor 31 (2), 228-239, 2012
Developing social justice leaders through Chi Sigma Iota: A phenomenological exploration of chapter leader experiences, Part 1
CA Storlie, SM Wood
Journal of Counselor Leadership and Advocacy 1 (2), 166-180, 2014
Family career genograms: Beginning life design with exploratory students
CA Storlie, TM Lara Hilton, R McKinney, D Unger
The Family Journal 27 (1), 84-91, 2019
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