Jonathan Knappett
Craig's soil mechanics
J Knappett
Spon Press, 2012
Seismic behaviour of tunnels: From experiments to analysis
G Tsinidis, F de Silva, I Anastasopoulos, E Bilotta, A Bobet, YMA Hashash, ...
Tunnelling and underground space technology 99, 103334, 2020
Regional variation in the biomechanical properties of the human sclera
A Elsheikh, B Geraghty, D Alhasso, J Knappett, M Campanelli, P Rama
Experimental eye research 90 (5), 624-633, 2010
Design of pile foundations in liquefiable soils
G Madabhushi, S Haigh, J Knappett
World Scientific, 2009
Aftershocks and the whole-life seismic performance of granular slopes
AH Al-Defae, K Caucis, JA Knappett
Géotechnique 63 (14), 1230-1244, 2013
Scaling of the reinforcement of soil slopes by living plants in a geotechnical centrifuge
T Liang, AG Bengough, JA Knappett, D MuirWood, KW Loades, PD Hallett, ...
Ecological Engineering 109, 207-227, 2017
Calibration and use of a new automatic sand pourer
Y Zhao, K Gafar, M Elshafie, AD Deeks, JA Knappett, S Madabhushi
Physical modelling in Geotechnics, 6th ICPMG’06, 265-270, 2006
Shake table testing of the dynamic interaction between two and three adjacent buildings (SSSI)
H Aldaikh, NA Alexander, E Ibraim, J Knappett
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 89, 219-232, 2016
Centrifuge modeling of rocking‐isolated inelastic RC bridge piers
M Loli, JA Knappett, MJ Brown, I Anastasopoulos, G Gazetas
Earthquake engineering & structural dynamics 43 (15), 2341-2359, 2014
Mechanisms of failure for shallow foundations under earthquake loading
JA Knappett, SK Haigh, SPG Madabhushi
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 26 (2-4), 91-102, 2006
Small-scale modelling of plant root systems using 3D printing, with applications to investigate the role of vegetation on earthquake-induced landslides
T Liang, JA Knappett, AG Bengough, YX Ke
Landslides 14, 1747-1765, 2017
Modelling the seismic performance of rooted slopes from individual root–soil interaction to global slope behaviour
T Liang, JA Knappett, N Duckett
Géotechnique 65 (12), 995-1009, 2015
Centrifuge modeling of the seismic performance of pile-reinforced slopes
AH Al-Defae, JA Knappett
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 140 (6), 04014014, 2014
Small-scale modeling of reinforced concrete structural elements for use in a geotechnical centrifuge
JA Knappett, C Reid, S Kinmond, K O’Reilly
Journal of Structural Engineering 137 (11), 1263-1271, 2011
Seismic structure–soil–structure interaction between pairs of adjacent building structures
JA Knappett, P Madden, K Caucis
Geotechnique 65 (5), 429-441, 2015
Effects of vertical loading on lateral screw pile performance
TA Al-Baghdadi, MJ Brown, JA Knappett, AH Al-Defae
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Geotechnical Engineering …, 2017
Craig's soil mechanics
J Knappett, RF Craig
CRC press, 2019
Physical modelling to demonstrate the feasibility of screw piles for offshore jacket-supported wind energy structures
C Davidson, MJ Brown, B Cerfontaine, T Al-Baghdadi, J Knappett, ...
Géotechnique 72 (2), 108-126, 2022
Influence of axial load on lateral pile response in liquefiable soils. Part I: physical modelling
JA Knappett, SPG Madabhushi
Geotechnique 59 (7), 571-581, 2009
On Lagrangian mechanics and the implicit material point method for large deformation elasto-plasticity
WM Coombs, CE Augarde, AJ Brennan, MJ Brown, TJ Charlton, ...
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 358, 112622, 2020
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