Sascha Schwarz
Sascha Schwarz
Senior Lecturer (Social and Personality Psychology), Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany
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Sex and age differences in mate-selection preferences
S Schwarz, M Hassebrauck
Human Nature 23 (4), 447-466, 2012
Tears or fears? Comparing gender stereotypes about movie preferences to actual preferences
P Wühr, BP Lange, S Schwarz
Frontiers in psychology 8, 428, 2017
Romantic red revisited: Red enhances men's attraction to young, but not menopausal women
S Schwarz, M Singer
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 49 (1), 161-164, 2013
Self-perceived and observed variations in women's attractiveness throughout the menstrual cycle—a diary study
S Schwarz, M Hassebrauck
Evolution and Human Behavior 29 (4), 282-288, 2008
Red-take a closer look
VL Buechner, MA Maier, S Lichtenfeld, S Schwarz
PloS one 9 (9), e108111, 2014
Words won’t fail: Experimental evidence on the role of verbal proficiency in mate choice
BP Lange, E Zaretsky, S Schwarz, HA Euler
Journal of Language and Social Psychology 33 (5), 482-499, 2014
Of Time Gals and Mega Men: Empirical findings on gender differences in digital game genre preferences and the accuracy of respective gender stereotypes
BP Lange, P Wühr, S Schwarz
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 657430, 2021
Short-and long-term relationship orientation and 2D: 4D finger-length ratio
S Schwarz, M Mustafić, M Hassebrauck, J Jörg
Archives of Sexual Behavior 40, 565-574, 2011
Systematic cognitive biases in courtship context: women's commitment–skepticism as a life-history strategy?
K Cyrus, S Schwarz, M Hassebrauck
Evolution and Human Behavior 32 (1), 13-20, 2011
A demonstration of the Collaborative Replication and Education Project: Replication attempts of the red-romance effect
JR Wagge, C Baciu, K Banas, JT Nadler, S Schwarz, Y Weisberg, ...
Collabra: Psychology 5 (1), 2019
Kin investment by step-grandparents—more than expected
A Pashos, S Schwarz, DF Bjorklund
Evolutionary Psychology 14 (1), 1474704916631213, 2016
The sexual nature of human culture
BP Lange, S Schwarz, HA Euler
The Evolutionary Review: Art, Science, Culture 4 (1), 76-85, 2013
Evolutionspsychologische Perspektiven zur Erklärung kultureller Leistungen
BP Lange, S Schwarz
Die Entwicklung der Psyche in der Geschichte der Menscheit, 164-175, 2013
Individual Differences in Relationship Preferences: Relationship Orientation and Its Measurement [Interindividuelle Unterschiede in Beziehungspräferenzen. Das Konstrukt …
S Schwarz, M Hassebrauck
Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie 38 (3), 179-193, 2007
Do men help only beautiful women in social networks?
S Schwarz, L Baßfeld
Current Psychology, 0
Attachment to the romantic partner and sibling: Attachment hierarchies of twins and non-twin siblings
S Schwarz, M Mustafić, S Junker
Interpersona: An International Journal on Personal Relationships 9 (2), 169-183, 2015
Die hard in Notting Hill: gender differences in recalling contents from action and romantic movies
P Wühr, S Schwarz
Applied Cognitive Psychology 30 (4), 491-503, 2016
Let us talk about sex: Prototype and personal templates
S Schwarz, M Hassebrauck, R Doerfler
Personal relationships 17 (4), 533-555, 2010
Physical appearance, attractiveness and relationships: Is the display versus avoidance of the color red a strategic mating signal
D Niesta Kayser, S Schwarz
Journal of Psychology & Psychotherapy 7 (2), 1-4, 2017
Die menschliche Psyche zwischen Natur und Kultur
BP Lange, S Schwarz
Pabst Science Publ., 2015
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