Andrea Graziani
Andrea Graziani
Professor, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Department ICEA
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Adhesive and cohesive properties of asphalt-aggregate systems subjected to moisture damage
F Canestrari, F Cardone, A Graziani, FA Santagata, HU Bahia
Road Materials and Pavement Design 11 (sup1), 11-32, 2010
A study on the mechanical behaviour of cement–bitumen treated materials
M Bocci, A Grilli, F Cardone, A Graziani
Construction and building materials 25 (2), 773-778, 2011
Effect of curing on the physical and mechanical properties of cold-recycled bituminous mixtures
A Graziani, C Godenzoni, F Cardone, M Bocci
Materials & Design 95, 358-369, 2016
Performance evaluation of a cold-recycled mixture containing high percentage of reclaimed asphalt
A Stimilli, G Ferrotti, A Graziani, F Canestrari
Road Materials and Pavement Design 14 (sup1), 149-161, 2013
Compactability and thermal sensitivity of cement–bitumen-treated materials
A Grilli, A Graziani, M Bocci
Road Materials and Pavement Design 13 (4), 599-617, 2012
Modeling and assessment of self-healing and thixotropy properties for modified binders
F Canestrari, A Virgili, A Graziani, A Stimilli
International Journal of Fatigue 70, 351-360, 2015
Curing and temperature sensitivity of cement–bitumen treated materials
F Cardone, A Grilli, M Bocci, A Graziani
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 16 (10), 868-880, 2014
A procedure for characterizing the curing process of cold recycled bitumen emulsion mixtures
A Graziani, C Iafelice, S Raschia, D Perraton, A Carter
Construction and Building Materials 173, 754-762, 2018
The evolution of the mechanical behaviour of cold recycled mixtures stabilised with cement and bitumen: field and laboratory study
C Godenzoni, A Graziani, E Bocci, M Bocci
Road Materials and Pavement Design 19 (4), 856-877, 2018
Synthesis of standards and procedures for specimen preparation and in-field evaluation of cold-recycled asphalt mixtures
G Tebaldi, EV Dave, P Marsac, P Muraya, M Hugener, M Pasetto, ...
Road Materials and Pavement Design 15 (2), 272-299, 2014
Shear and flexural characterization of grid-reinforced asphalt pavements and relation with field distress evolution
F Canestrari, L Belogi, G Ferrotti, A Graziani
Materials and Structures 48, 959-975, 2015
Volumetric properties and influence of water content on the compactability of cold recycled mixtures
A Grilli, A Graziani, E Bocci, M Bocci
Materials and Structures 49 (10), 4349-4362, 2016
Complex modulus characterisation of cold-recycled mixtures with foamed bitumen and different contents of reclaimed asphalt
C Godenzoni, A Graziani, D Perraton
Road Materials and Pavement Design 18 (1), 130-150, 2017
3Dim experimental investigation of linear viscoelastic properties of bituminous mixtures
D Perraton, H Benedetto, C Sauzéat, B Hofko, A Graziani, QT Nguyen, ...
Materials and Structures 49 (11), 4813-4829, 2016
Mechanical 3D characterization of epoxy asphalt concrete for pavement layers of orthotropic steel decks
E Bocci, A Graziani, F Canestrari
Construction and Building Materials 79, 145-152, 2015
Complex Poisson’s ratio of bituminous mixtures: measurement and modeling
A Graziani, M Bocci, F Canestrari
Materials and structures 47, 1131-1148, 2014
Influence of reclaimed asphalt content on the mechanical behaviour of cement-treated mixtures
A Grilli, E Bocci, A Graziani
Road Materials and Pavement Design 14 (3), 666-678, 2013
Structural response of grid-reinforced bituminous pavements
A Graziani, E Pasquini, G Ferrotti, A Virgili, F Canestrari
Materials and Structures 47 (8), 1391-1408, 2014
Experimental study of bitumen emulsion–cement mortars: mechanical behaviour and relation to mixtures
C Mignini, F Cardone, A Graziani
Materials and structures 51 (6), 149, 2018
Evaluation of bonding between reclaimed asphalt aggregate and bitumen emulsion composites
F Cardone, A Virgili, A Graziani
Construction and Building Materials 184, 565-574, 2018
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