Sakil Mahmud
Sakil Mahmud
Lincoln University, USA
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Comprehensive review on plant-fiber reinforced polymeric biocomposites
S Mahmud, KMF Hasan, MA Jahid, K Mohiuddin, R Zhang, J Zhu
Journal of Materials Science, 2021
High-performing and fire-resistant biobased epoxy resin from renewable sources
J Dai, Y Peng, N Teng, Y Liu, C Liu, X Shen, S Mahmud, J Zhu, X Liu
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 6 (6), 7589-7599, 2018
New insight into the mechanism for the excellent gas properties of poly (ethylene 2, 5-furandicarboxylate)(PEF): Role of furan ring’s polarity
L Sun, J Wang, S Mahmud, Y Jiang, J Zhu, X Liu
European Polymer Journal 118, 642-650, 2019
A Novel Coloration of Polyester Fabric through Green Silver Nanoparticles (G-AgNPs@ PET)
KM Hasan, M Pervez, M Talukder, M Sultana, S Mahmud, M Meraz, ...
Nanomaterials 9 (4), 569, 2019
Bio-synthesized palladium nanoparticles using alginate for catalytic degradation of azo-dyes
Y Xiong, L Huang, S Mahmud, F Yang, H Liu
Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering 28 (5), 1334-1343, 2020
Graphene oxide modified membrane for highly efficient wastewater treatment by dynamic combination of nanofiltration and catalysis
YZ Yun Zhong, Sakil Mahmud, Zijun He, Yang Yang, Zhe Zhang, Fei Guo, Zhihong ...
Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020
Multifunctional organic cotton fabric based on silver nanoparticles green synthesized from sodium alginate
S Mahmud, N Pervez, MA Taher, K Mohiuddin, HH Liu
Textile research journal 90 (11-12), 1224-1236, 2020
Eco-friendly dyeing and finishing of organic cotton fabric using natural dye (gardenia yellow) reduced-stabilized nanosilver: full factorial design
H Jiang, R Guo, R Mia, H Zhang, S Lü, F Yang, S Mahmud, H Liu
Cellulose 29 (4), 2663-2679, 2022
Hierarchically superhydrophilic poly (vinylidene fluoride) membrane with self-cleaning fabricated by surface mineralization for stable separation of oily wastewater
F Qu, A Cao, Y Yang, S Mahmud, P Su, J Yang, Z He, Q Lai, L Zhu, Z Tu, ...
Journal of Membrane Science 640, 119864, 2021
Biobased Amorphous Polyesters with High Tg: Trade-Off between Rigid and Flexible Cyclic Diols
J Wang, S Mahmud, X Zhang, J Zhu, Z Shen, X Liu
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 7 (6), 6401-6411, 2019
Colorful and antibacterial nylon fabric via in-situ biosynthesis of chitosan mediated nanosilver
KMF Hasan, H Wang, S Mahmud, MA Jahid, M Islam, W Jin, C Genyang
Journal of Materials Research and Technology 9 (6), 16135-16145, 2020
Polyvinylidene fluoride membrane functionalized with zero valent iron for highly efficient degradation of organic contaminants
SZ Zijun Hea, Sakil Mahmud, Yang Yang, Lijing Zhu, Yubao Zhao, Qingyi Zeng ...
Separation and Purification Technology, 2020
Wool functionalization through AgNPs: coloration, antibacterial and wastewater treatment
KMF Hasan, H Wang, S Mahmud, MA Taher, C Genyang
Surface Innovations 9 (1), 25-36, 2020
Simple Amphoteric Charge Strategy to Reinforce Superhydrophilic Polyvinylidene Fluoride Membrane for Highly Efficient Separation of Various Surfactant-Stabilized Oil-in-Water …
Z Xiong, Z He, S Mahmud, Y Yang, L Zhou, C Hu, S Zhao
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12 (41), 47018-47028, 2020
In situ synthesis of green AgNPs on ramie fabric with functional and catalytic properties
S Mahmud, MN Pervez, KMF Hasan, MA Taher, HH Liu
Emerging Materials Research 8 (4), 623-633, 2019
Coloration of aramid fabric via in-situ biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles with enhanced antibacterial effect
KMF Hasan, H Wang, S Mahmud, C Genyang
Inorganic Chemistry Communications 119, 108115, 2020
Biological and environmental applications of silver nanoparticles synthesized using the aqueous extract of Ginkgo biloba leaf
L Huang, Y Sun, S Mahmud, H Liu
Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials 30 (5), 1653-1668, 2020
Surface functionalization of “Rajshahi Silk” using green silver nanoparticles
S Mahmud, M Sultana, M Pervez, M Habib, HH Liu
Fibers 5 (3), 35, 2017
Hierarchically Active Poly (vinylidene fluoride) Membrane Fabricated by In Situ Generated Zero-Valent Iron for Fouling Reduction
Z He, S Mahmud, S Zhao, Y Yang, L Zhu, Y Zhao, Q Zeng, Z Xiong, C Hu
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12 (9), 10993-11004, 2020
Potocatalytic antifouling membrane with dense nano-TiO2 coating for efficient oil-in-water emulsion separation and self-cleaning
Y Yang, Q Lai, S Mahmud, J Lu, G Zhang, Z Huang, Q Wu, Q Zeng, ...
Journal of Membrane Science 645, 120204, 2022
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