Chidi Felix Ezeama
Chidi Felix Ezeama
Professor of Food Science and Technology (Food Microbiology), Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, PMB 7267, Umuahia, Nigeria.
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Food Microbiology fundamentals and applications
CF Ezeama
Natural Prints Limited, 2007
Microbiology of polyethylene-packaged sliced watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) sold by street vendors in Nigeria
E Nwachukwu, CF Ezeama, BN Ezeanya
African Journal of Microbiology Research 2, 192-195, 2008
Effect of lime juice on the bacterial quality of zobo drinks locally produced in Nigeria.
E Nwachukwu, OM Onovo, CF Ezeama
Phenolic content and antioxidant activity of some under-utilized Nigerian yam (Dioscorea spp.) and cocoyam (Xanthosomamaffa (scoth)) tubers
AN Ukom, PC Ojimelukwe, CF Ezeama, DO Ortiz, IJ Aragon
Studies in yams indicate low to high content of polyphenol and antioxidant …, 2014
Proximate composition and carotenoid profile of yams (Dioscorea spp.) and cocoyam (Xanthosoma maffa (Scoth)) root tubers from Nigeria
AN Ukom, PC Ojimelukwe, CF Ezeama, DO Ortiz, II Aragon
American Journal of Food and Nutrition 4 (1), 1-10, 2014
Influence of Fermentation Time and an ‘Indigenous Tenderiser’(Kanwa) on the Microbial Profile, Chemical Attributes and Shelf‐Life of Rice Masa (a Nigerian Fermented Product)
BJO Efiuvwevwere, CF Ezeama
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 71 (4), 442-448, 1996
Food microbiology
CF Ezeama
Fundamentals and Applications, Natural Prints Limited Lagos, Nigeria, 64-66, 2007
Effect of coagulants on the physicochemical properties of fresh tofu
CF Ezeama, GN Dobson
African Journal of food science 13 (12), 287-296, 2019
Influence of brine treatment, drying methods and storage conditions on the microbial quality of freshwater snail (Lanistes libycus) meat.
CF Ezeama, E Keke, E Nwachukwu
Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology, 2007
The influence of fermentation and salting on the bacterial, chemical and sensory characteristics of catfish (Clarias buthupogon) based marinate in Nigeria
CF Ezeama, EJ Udoh
African Journal of Food Science 6 (14), 381-385, 2012
Studies on proliferation of acetic acid bacteria during soursop juice fermentaion
SP Ukwo, CF Ezeama
International Journal of Food Safety 13, 345-350, 2011
The Bacteriological Profiles of Freshwater Snail (Pila Ovata) Subjected to Microcosms Simulating Local Storage Conditions
BJO Efiuvwevwere, CF Ezeama
World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 20, 359-363, 2004
Growth of Different Yeast Strains During Fermentation of Soursop (Annona muricata) Juice as Influenced by Acetic acid Bacteria (Acetobacter aceti)
SP Ukwo, CF Ezeama, NU Ndaeyo
Nature and Science 8 (10), 285-291, 2010
Effect of fermentation period on the organic acid and amino acid contents of Ogiri from castor oil bean seeds.
MTC Ojinnaka, PC Ojimelukwe, CF Ezeama
Studies on the longitudinal profile of the bacteriological quality of Aba river, Nigeria
CF Ezeama, F Nwankpa
Global Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences 8 (4), 471-476, 2002
Microbiological safety and toxic element contaminants in bivalve shellfish from intertidal mudflats of IKO estuary, Niger delta, Nigeria
S Ukwo, C Ezeama, O Obot
South Asian J. Food Technol. Environ 5, 846-854, 2019
Microbial and enzymatic changes associated with the production of ogiri from castor oil bean using B. subtilis as starter culture
MC Ojinnaka, PC Ojimelukwe, CF Ezeama
Sky journal of food science 2 (2), 10-18, 2013
Microbiological and sensory evaluation of fermented rice snack (masa) supplemented with soybean
CF Ezeama, C Ihezie
Journal of Food Technology 4 (4), 345-349, 2006
Potentials of Naturally Sheathed Young Leaves of Napier Grass
UJ Ukpabi, MA Ofoeze, N Uchechukwu, CF Ezeama, H Edoga, KI Nwosu
American Journal of Agricultural Science 2 (3), 97-102, 2015
Microbiological Assessment and Sensory Properties of Steamed Cowpea Paste (moin-moin) Treated with Garlic, Ginger and Alkaline salt (trona).
CF Ezeama, NO Ozua
Nigerian Food Journal 26 (2), 2008
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