Rahim Moltames
Rahim Moltames
PhD student at University of Tehran
Patvirtintas el. paštas
A framework for GIS-based site selection and technical potential evaluation of PV solar farm using Fuzzy-Boolean logic and AHP multi-criteria decision-making approach
Y Noorollahi, AG Senani, A Fadaei, M Simaee, R Moltames
Renewable Energy 186, 89-104, 2022
Thermoeconomic analysis and optimization of a solar micro CCHP by using TLBO algorithm for domestic application
B Azizimehr, E Assareh, R Moltames
Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 42 …, 2019
Heat transfer and fluid flow for tube included a porous media: Assessment and Multi-Objective Optimization Using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) Algorithm
S Keykhah, E Assareh, R Moltames, M Izadi, HM Ali
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 545, 123804, 2020
Optimisation of combined cooling, heating and power (CCHP) systems incorporating the solar and geothermal energy: a review study
R Asadi, E Assareh, R Moltames, M Olazar, M Nedaei, F Parvaz
International Journal of Ambient Energy 43 (1), 42-60, 2022
Techno-economic analysis of a modified concentrating photovoltaic/organic Rankine cycle system
R Moltames, R Roshandel
International Journal of Ambient Energy 43 (1), 2026-2038, 2022
Multi-criteria decision methods for selecting a wind farm site using a geographic information system (GIS)
R Moltames, MS Naghavi, M Silakhori, Y Noorollahi, H Yousefi, ...
Sustainability 14 (22), 14742, 2022
Enhancing solar thermal collector systems for hot water production through machine learning-driven multi-objective optimization with phase change material (PCM)
E Assareh, A Riaz, M Ahmadinejad, S Hoseinzadeh, MZ Abdehvand, ...
Journal of Energy Storage 73, 108990, 2023
Simulation and optimization of a solar based trigeneration system incorporating PEM electrolyzer and fuel cell
R Moltames, E Assareh, F Mohammadi Bouri, B Azizimehr
Journal of Solar Energy Research 6 (1), 664-677, 2021
Exergy analysis and thermodynamic optimization of a steam power plant-based Rankine cycle system using intelligent optimization algorithms
S Elahifar, E Assareh, R Moltames
Australian journal of mechanical engineering 20 (1), 54-65, 2022
Thermo-economic analysis and multi-objective optimization of a solar dish Stirling engine
M Rostami, A Ehsanolah, R Moltames, T Jafarinejad
Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 1-17, 2020
Thermoeconomic Analysis and Multi-Objective Optimization of an Integrated Solar System for Hydrogen Production Using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
S Keykhah, E Assareh, R Moltames, A Taghipour, H Barati
Journal of Thermal Engineering 7 (4), 746-760, 2021
Sensitivity analysis and parameters calculation of PV solar panel based on empirical data and two-diode circuit model
R Moltames, M Boroushaki
Energy Equipment and Systems 6 (3), 235-246, 2018
Optimum tilt angle of solar PV arrays and Collectors for different time periods used in Iran
R Moltames, A FarajiMohammad
2nd International Congress on Science and Engineering 12, 1-11, 2018
Energy and Exergy Efficiency Improvement of a Solar Driven Trigeneration System Using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
R Moltames, B Azizimehr, E Assareh
Journal of Solar Energy Research 4 (1), 31-39, 2019
Performance evaluation of hydrogen production system using CPVT/ROC
Y Noorollahi, H Yousefi, R Moltames, R Fattahi
Journal of Renewable and New Energy 10 (2), 36-45, 2023
Assessment of potential sites for biogas production plants from domestic, agricultural, and livestock waste
R Moltames, Y Noorollahi, H Yousefi, B Azizimehr, A Naseri
Fuel Communications 22, 100132, 2025
Techno-economic performance analysis of a hybrid concentrated photovoltaic/thermal combined with organic rankine cycle (CPV/T-ORC) system for simultaneous generation of power …
Y Noorollahi, H Yousefi, R Moltames, K Choubineh
J. Renew. New Energy 9, 113-120, 2022
Exergoeconomic Optimization of a Novel Hydrogen Generation System Based on Geothermal Energy
H Yousefi, E Aghaie, E Assareh, R Moltames, A Fathi, K Choubineh
Environmental Energy and Economic Research 5 (4), 1-15, 2021
Mathematical modelling and technical analysis of an auxiliary system to reflect solar radiations for PV panels: Effect of mirror height on the system performance
R Moltames, Y Noorollahi, H Yousefi
Solar Energy Advances 4, 100069, 2024
Optimising a solar-based microgrid system for urban areas: a case study in Edmonton
R Moltames, R Fattahi, A Aslani, Y Noorollahi, M Hajiaghaei-Keshteli
International Journal of Ambient Energy 44 (1), 2469-2486, 2023
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