Rasidi Rasani
Rasidi Rasani
Lecturer (mech. eng), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Thin and sharp edges bodies-fluid interaction simulation using cut-cell immersed boundary method
SQ Salih, MS Aldlemy, MR Rasani, AK Ariffin, TMYST Ya, N Al-Ansari, ...
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics 13 (1), 860-877, 2019
Flow-induced vibration in pipes: Challengess and solutions-A review
M Siba, W Wanmahmood, MZ Nuawi, R Rasani, M Nassir
Journal of engineering science and technology 11 (3), 362-382, 2016
Simulation of Pharyngeal Airway Interaction with Air Flow Using Low‐Re Turbulence Model
MR Rasani, K Inthavong, JY Tu
Modelling and Simulation in Engineering 2011 (1), 510472, 2011
Review of openings with shading devices at naturally ventilated buildings
WFM Yusoff, MI Shaharil, MF Mohamed, MRM Rasani, AR Sapian, ...
Architectural Engineering and Design Management 19 (5), 463-479, 2023
The development of a multi-purpose wind tunnel
Z Harun, WAW Ghopa, S Abdullah, MI Ghazali, AA Abbas, MR Rasani, ...
Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 78 (6-10), 2016
A review of progress and hydrodynamic design of integrated motor pump-jet propulsion
Q Li, S Abdullah, MRM Rasani
Applied Sciences 12 (8), 3824, 2022
Pulsatile CFD Numerical Simulation to investigate the effect of various degree and position of stenosis on carotid artery hemodynamics
T Subramaniam, MR Rasani
Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology …, 2022
A review of surface texturing in internal combustion engine piston assembly
MAM Azmi, WMFW Mahmood, JA Ghani, MRM Rasani
International Journal of Integrated Engineering 12 (5), 146-163, 2020
Modeling and applications of 3D flow in orifice plate at low turbulent Reynold numbers
MA Siba, WMF Mahmood, MZ Nuawi, R Rasani, MH Nassir
International Journal of Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering IJMME-IJENS …, 2015
Analysis of dimple structure fabricated using turning process and subsequent reduction in friction
JA Ghani, M Dali, HA Rahman, CHC Haron, WMFW Mahmood, ...
Wear 426, 1280-1285, 2019
Analysis of wake region behind bluff body for piezoelectric energy harvester
MNFM Kazim, R Rasani, MZ Nuawi, Z Harun, YK Hau, MSA Majid
Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences 55 (2 …, 2019
The study of EMA effect on modal identification: a review
MI Ramli, MZ Nuawi, S Abdullah, MRM Rasani, MS Salleh, MF Basar
Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (JMET) 9 (1), 103-121, 2017
Fluid-structure interaction analysis of rear spoiler vibration for energy harvesting potential
MR Rasani, MS Aldlemy, Z Harun
Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences 11 (1), 2415-2427, 2017
Potential of voids to enhance natural ventilation in medium cost multi-storey housing (MCMSH) for hot and humid climate
F Muhsin, WFM Yusoff, MF Mohamed, MRM Rasani, AR Sapian
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 12 (10), 3137-3144, 2017
Experimental and numerical investigation of static and dynamic characteristics of bio-oils and SAE40 in fluid film journal bearing
MI Sadiq, WAW Ghopa, MZ Nuawi, MR Rasani, MA Mohd Sabri
Materials 15 (10), 3595, 2022
Computational fluid dynamic study on the tribological performance of dimple-textured surface fabricated using the turning process
H Abdul Rahman, J A. Ghani, WMF Wan Mahmood, ...
Industrial Lubrication and Tribology 71 (4), 594-602, 2019
Design and simulation of a cylinder head structure for a compressed natural gas direct injection engine
A Shamsudeen, S Abdullah, AK Ariffin, MRM Rasani, Y Ali
International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering 9, 1620-1629, 2014
Fatigue life assessment of vehicle coil spring using finite element analysis under random strain loads in time domain
NM Hamzi, S Singh, S Abdullah, MR Rasani
International Journal of Structural Integrity 13 (4), 685-698, 2022
Blood flow acoustics in carotid artery
SA Ramdan, MR Rasani, T Subramaniam, AS Muda, AFA Aziz, T Ya, ...
Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences 94 (1 …, 2022
Adaptive mesh refinement immersed boundary method for simulations of laminar flows past a moving thin elastic structure
MS Aldlemy, MR Rasani, AK Ariffin, TT Ya
Journal of Hydrodynamics 32, 148-160, 2020
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