Francesco Tornabene (The Lord of the Shells and Beyond)
Francesco Tornabene (The Lord of the Shells and Beyond)
University of Salento, Dep. Eng. Innovation, Lecce, Associate Professor
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Free vibration analysis of functionally graded conical, cylindrical shell and annular plate structures with a four-parameter power-law distribution
F Tornabene
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 198 (37-40), 2911-2935, 2009
Strong formulation finite element method based on Differential Quadrature: a survey
F Tornabene, N Fantuzzi, F Ubertini, E Viola
Applied Mechanics Reviews 67 (2), 020801-1-55, 2015
2-D Differential Quadrature solution for vibration analysis of functionally graded conical, cylindrical shell and annular plate structures
F Tornabene, E Viola, DJ Inman
Journal of Sound and Vibration 328 (3), 259-290, 2009
Effect of agglomeration on the natural frequencies of functionally graded carbon nanotube-reinforced laminated composite doubly-curved shells
F Tornabene, N Fantuzzi, M Bacciocchi, E Viola
Composites Part B Engineering 89 (1), 187-218, 2016
General higher-order shear deformation theories for the free vibration analysis of completely doubly-curved laminated shells and panels
E Viola, F Tornabene, N Fantuzzi
Composite Structures 95 (1), 639-666, 2013
Free vibrations of free-form doubly-curved shells made of functionally graded materials using higher-order equivalent single layer theories
F Tornabene, N Fantuzzi, M Bacciocchi
Composites Part B Engineering 67 (1), 490-509, 2014
Stress and strain recovery for functionally graded free-form and doubly-curved sandwich shells using higher-order equivalent single layer theory
F Tornabene, N Fantuzzi, E Viola, RC Batra
Composite Structures 119 (1), 67-89, 2015
Free vibration analysis of arbitrarily shaped functionally graded carbon nanotube-reinforced plates
N Fantuzzi, F Tornabene, M Bacciocchi, R Dimitri
Composites Part B Engineering 115 (1), 384, 2017
Free vibration analysis of functionally graded panels and shells of revolution
F Tornabene, E Viola
Meccanica 44, 255-281, 2009
Free vibrations of functionally graded polymer composite nanoplates reinforced with graphene nanoplatelets
M Arefi, EMR Bidgoli, R Dimitri, F Tornabene
Aerospace Science and Technology 81, 108-117, 2018
General higher-order equivalent single layer theory for free vibrations of doubly-curved laminated composite shells and panels
F Tornabene, E Viola, N Fantuzzi
Composite Structures 104 (1), 94-117, 2013
Multiscale approach for three-phase CNT/Polymer/Fiber laminated nanocomposite structures
F Tornabene, M Bacciocchi, N Fantuzzi, JN Reddy
Polymer Composites 40, E102-E126, 2019
FGM and laminated doubly-curved shells and panels of revolution with a free-form meridian: a 2-D GDQ solution for free vibrations
F Tornabene, A Liverani, G Caligiana
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 53 (6), 446-470, 2011
Free vibrations of four-parameter functionally graded parabolic panels and shells of revolution
F Tornabene, E Viola
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 28 (5), 991-1013, 2009
Static analysis of functionally graded doubly-curved shells and panels of revolution
F Tornabene, E Viola
Meccanica 48 (4), 901-930, 2013
Linear static response of nanocomposite plates and shells reinforced by agglomerated carbon nanotubes
F Tornabene, N Fantuzzi, M Bacciocchi
Composites Part B Engineering 115 (1), 449-476, 2017
Free vibration analysis of conical shells reinforced with agglomerated carbon nanotubes
S Kamarian, M Salim, R Dimitri, F Tornabene
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 108 (1), 157-165, 2016
Static analysis of completely doubly-curved laminated shells and panels using general higher-order shear deformation theories
E Viola, F Tornabene, N Fantuzzi
Composite Structures 101 (1), 59-93, 2013
Winkler-Pasternak foundation effect on the static and dynamic analyses of laminated doubly-curved and degenerate shells and panels
F Tornabene, N Fantuzzi, E Viola, JN Reddy
Composites Part B: Engineering 57 (1), 269-296, 2014
2-D solution for free vibrations of parabolic shells using Generalized Differential Quadrature Method
F Tornabene, E Viola
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 27 (6), 1001-1025, 2008
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