Kevin  Albuquerque
Kevin Albuquerque
Department of Radiation Oncology UT Southwestern Medical Center
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Effect of mindfulness based stress reduction on immune function, quality of life and coping in women newly diagnosed with early stage breast cancer
L Witek-Janusek, K Albuquerque, KR Chroniak, C Chroniak, ...
Brain, behavior, and immunity 22 (6), 969-981, 2008
Radiation-related predictors of hematologic toxicity after concurrent chemoradiation for cervical cancer and implications for bone marrow–sparing pelvic IMRT
K Albuquerque, D Giangreco, C Morrison, M Siddiqui, J Sinacore, ...
International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics 79 (4), 1043-1047, 2011
Deep convolutional neural network with transfer learning for rectum toxicity prediction in cervical cancer radiotherapy: a feasibility study
X Zhen, J Chen, Z Zhong, B Hrycushko, L Zhou, S Jiang, K Albuquerque, ...
Physics in Medicine & Biology 62 (21), 8246, 2017
NRG oncology/RTOG consensus guidelines for delineation of clinical target volume for intensity modulated pelvic radiation therapy in postoperative treatment of endometrial and …
W Small Jr, WR Bosch, MM Harkenrider, JB Strauss, N Abu-Rustum, ...
International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics 109 (2), 413-424, 2021
Simultaneous-integrated boost intensity-modulated radiation therapy (SIB-IMRT) in the treatment of early-stage left-sided breast carcinoma
R Singla, S King, K Albuquerque, S Creech, N Dogan
Medical Dosimetry 31 (3), 190-196, 2006
A phase II trial of stereotactic ablative radiation therapy as a boost for locally advanced cervical cancer
K Albuquerque, V Tumati, J Lea, C Ahn, D Richardson, D Miller, ...
International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics 106 (3), 464-471, 2020
Childhood adversity increases vulnerability for behavioral symptoms and immune dysregulation in women with breast cancer
LW Janusek, D Tell, K Albuquerque, HL Mathews
Brain, behavior, and immunity 30, S149-S162, 2013
Chromatin modifications and the DNA damage response to ionizing radiation
R Kumar, N Horikoshi, M Singh, A Gupta, HS Misra, K Albuquerque, ...
Frontiers in oncology 2, 214, 2013
Pre-treatment serum levels of tumour markers in metastatic breast cancer: a prospective assessment of their role in predicting response to therapy and survival
KV Albuquerque, MR Price, RA Badley, I Jonrup, D Pearson, RW Blamey, ...
European Journal of Surgical Oncology (EJSO) 21 (5), 504-509, 1995
Compendium of fractionation choices for gynecologic HDR brachytherapy—an American Brachytherapy Society Task Group Report
K Albuquerque, BA Hrycushko, MM Harkenrider, J Mayadev, A Klopp, ...
Brachytherapy 18 (4), 429-436, 2019
Shell feature: a new radiomics descriptor for predicting distant failure after radiotherapy in non-small cell lung cancer and cervix cancer
H Hao, Z Zhou, S Li, G Maquilan, MR Folkert, P Iyengar, KD Westover, ...
Physics in Medicine & Biology 63 (9), 095007, 2018
Preliminary results of a phase 1 dose-escalation trial for early-stage breast cancer using 5-fraction stereotactic body radiation therapy for partial-breast irradiation
A Rahimi, K Thomas, A Spangler, R Rao, M Leitch, R Wooldridge, ...
International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics 98 (1), 196 …, 2017
American Brachytherapy Task Group Report: A pooled analysis of clinical outcomes for high-dose-rate brachytherapy for cervical cancer
J Mayadev, A Viswanathan, Y Liu, CS Li, K Albuquerque, AL Damato, ...
Brachytherapy 16 (1), 22-43, 2017
Radiation therapy for endometrial cancer: an American Society for Radiation Oncology clinical practice guideline
MM Harkenrider, N Abu-Rustum, K Albuquerque, L Bradfield, K Bradley, ...
Practical radiation oncology 13 (1), 41-65, 2023
Impact of partial versus whole breast radiation therapy on fatigue, perceived stress, quality of life and natural killer cell activity in women with breast cancer
K Albuquerque, D Tell, P Lobo, L Millbrandt, HL Mathews, LW Janusek
BMC cancer 12, 1-12, 2012
Automatic PET cervical tumor segmentation by combining deep learning and anatomic prior
L Chen, C Shen, Z Zhou, G Maquilan, K Albuquerque, MR Folkert, J Wang
Physics in Medicine & Biology 64 (8), 085019, 2019
Investigating rectal toxicity associated dosimetric features with deformable accumulated rectal surface dose maps for cervical cancer radiotherapy
J Chen, H Chen, Z Zhong, Z Wang, B Hrycushko, L Zhou, S Jiang, ...
Radiation oncology 13, 1-10, 2018
Recurrence patterns and survival endpoints in women with stage II uterine endometrioid carcinoma: a multi-institution study
MA Elshaikh, Z Al-Wahab, H Mahdi, K Albuquerque, M Mahan, SM Kehoe, ...
Gynecologic oncology 136 (2), 235-239, 2015
Advances in management of locally advanced cervical cancer
HB Musunuru, PM Pifer, P Mohindra, K Albuquerque, S Beriwal
Indian Journal of Medical Research 154 (2), 248-261, 2021
Safety and efficacy of concurrent immune checkpoint inhibitors and hypofractionated body radiotherapy
O Mohamad, A Diaz de Leon, S Schroeder, A Leiker, A Christie, ...
Oncoimmunology 7 (7), e1440168, 2018
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