Frédéric Michon
Frédéric Michon
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Post-learning hippocampal replay selectively reinforces spatial memory for highly rewarded locations
F Michon, JJ Sun, CY Kim, D Ciliberti, F Kloosterman
Current Biology 29 (9), 1436-1444. e5, 2019
A closed-loop compressive-sensing-based neural recording system
J Zhang, S Mitra, Y Suo, A Cheng, T Xiong, F Michon, M Welkenhuysen, ...
Journal of neural engineering 12 (3), 036005, 2015
Integration of silicon-based neural probes and micro-drive arrays for chronic recording of large populations of neurons in behaving animals
F Michon, A Aarts, T Holzhammer, P Ruther, G Borghs, B McNaughton, ...
Journal of neural engineering 13 (4), 046018, 2016
Implantation of Neuropixels probes for chronic recording of neuronal activity in freely behaving mice and rats
RJJ van Daal, Ç Aydin, F Michon, AAA Aarts, M Kraft, F Kloosterman, ...
Nature Protocols 16 (7), 3322-3347, 2021
Real-time classification of experience-related ensemble spiking patterns for closed-loop applications
D Ciliberti, F Michon, F Kloosterman
Elife 7, e36275, 2018
Memory of occasional events in rats: individual episodic memory profiles, flexibility, and neural substrate
A Veyrac, M Allerborn, A Gros, F Michon, L Raguet, J Kenney, F Godinot, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 35 (19), 7575-7586, 2015
A systematic review and multivariate meta-analysis of the physical and mental health benefits of touch interventions
J Packheiser, H Hartmann, K Fredriksen, V Gazzola, C Keysers, F Michon
Nature Human Behaviour, 1-20, 2024
Real-time readout of large-scale unsorted neural ensemble place codes
S Hu, D Ciliberti, AD Grosmark, F Michon, D Ji, H Penagos, G Buzsáki, ...
Cell reports 25 (10), 2635-2642. e5, 2018
System for recording from multiple flexible polyimide neural probes in freely behaving animals
RJJ van Daal, JJ Sun, F Ceyssens, F Michon, M Kraft, R Puers, ...
Journal of Neural Engineering 17 (1), 016046, 2020
Predictability alters information flow during action observation in human electrocorticographic activity
C Qin, F Michon, Y Onuki, Y Ishishita, K Otani, K Kawai, P Fries, ...
Cell Reports 42 (11), 2023
Single-trial dynamics of hippocampal spatial representations are modulated by reward value
F Michon, E Krul, JJ Sun, F Kloosterman
Current Biology 31 (20), 4423-4435. e5, 2021
Sharing positive affective states amongst rodents
F Michon, J Packheiser, V Gazzola, C Keysers
Affective Science 4 (3), 475-479, 2023
Can mirror self-recognition in mice unpack the neural underpinnings of self-awareness?
C Keysers, F Michon
Neuron 112 (2), 177-179, 2024
Audible pain squeaks can mediate emotional contagion across pre-exposed rats with a potential effect of auto-conditioning
J Packheiser, E Soyman, E Paradiso, F Michon, E Ramaaker, N Sahin, ...
Communications Biology 6 (1), 1085, 2023
A Dual Reward-Place Association Task to Study the Preferential Retention of Relevant Memories in Rats
F Michon, JJ Sun, CY Kim, F Kloosterman
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 14, 69, 2020
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