Jarbas Joaci de Mesquita Sá Junior
Jarbas Joaci de Mesquita Sá Junior
Universidade Federal do Ceará
El. paštas nepatvirtintas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Plant leaf identification using Gabor wavelets
D Casanova, JJ de Mesquita Sá Junior, OM Bruno
International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology 19 (3), 236-243, 2009
ELM based signature for texture classification
JJMS Junior, AR Backes
Pattern Recognition 51, 395-401, 2016
Texture analysis and classification using shortest paths in graphs
JJMS Junior, AR Backes, PC Cortez
Pattern Recognition Letters 34 (11), 1314-1319, 2013
Color texture classification using shortest paths in graphs
JJM Sá Junior, AR Backes, PC Cortez
IEEE transactions on image processing 23 (9), 3751-3761, 2014
Introdução à visão computacional usando Matlab
AR Backes, JJMS Junior
Alta Books Editora, 2019
Fusion of complex networks and randomized neural networks for texture analysis
LC Ribas, JJMS Junior, LFS Scabini, OM Bruno
Pattern Recognition 103, 107189, 2020
A simplified gravitational model to analyze texture roughness
JJMS Junior, AR Backes
Pattern Recognition 45 (2), 732-741, 2012
Measuring and analyzing color and texture information in anatomical leaf cross sections: an approach using computer vision to aid plant species identification
JJM Sá Junior, AR Backes, DR Rossato, RM Kolb, OM Bruno
Botany 89 (7), 467-479, 2011
A strategy and evaluation method for ground global path planning based on aerial images
CDB Borges, AMA Almeida, ICP Júnior, JJMS Junior
Expert Systems with Applications 137, 232-252, 2019
Shape classification using line segment statistics
JJMS Junior, AR Backes
Information Sciences 305, 349-356, 2015
LBP maps for improving fractal based texture classification
AR Backes, JJMS Junior
Neurocomputing 266, 1-7, 2017
Plant species identification using multi-scale fractal dimension applied to images of adaxial surface epidermis
AR Backes, JJ de M. Sá Junior, RM Kolb, OM Bruno
Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns: 13th International Conference …, 2009
Randomized neural network based signature for dynamic texture classification
JJMS Junior, LC Ribas, OM Bruno
Expert Systems with Applications 135, 194-200, 2019
Randomized neural network based descriptors for shape classification
JJMS Junior, AR Backes, OM Bruno
Neurocomputing 312, 201-209, 2018
Color texture classification based on gravitational collapse
JJMS Junior, AR Backes, PC Cortez
Pattern Recognition 46 (6), 1628-1637, 2013
A computer vision approach to quantify leaf anatomical plasticity: a case study on Gochnatia polymorpha (Less.) Cabrera
JJMS Junior, DR Rossatto, RM Kolb, OM Bruno
Ecological informatics 15, 34-43, 2013
A simplified gravitational model for texture analysis
JJ de Mesquita Sá, AR Backes, PC Cortez
Journal of mathematical imaging and vision 47, 70-78, 2013
Learning graph representation with randomized neural network for dynamic texture classification
LC Ribas, JJMS Junior, A Manzanera, OM Bruno
Applied Soft Computing 114, 108035, 2022
Virus classification by using a fusion of texture analysis methods
AR Backes, JJMS Junior
2020 International conference on systems, signals and image processing …, 2020
Randomized neural network based signature for color texture classification
JJM Sá Junior, AR Backes, OM Bruno
Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing 30, 1171-1186, 2019
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