Fernando A. Wilson
Fernando A. Wilson
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Trends in fatalities from distracted driving in the United States, 1999 to 2008
FA Wilson, JP Stimpson
American journal of public health 100 (11), 2213-2219, 2010
Does telemedicine improve treatment outcomes for diabetes? A meta-analysis of results from 55 randomized controlled trials
D Su, J Zhou, MS Kelley, TL Michaud, M Siahpush, J Kim, F Wilson, ...
Diabetes research and clinical practice 116, 136-148, 2016
International COVID-19 vaccine inequality amid the pandemic: Perpetuating a global crisis?
M Tatar, JM Shoorekchali, MR Faraji, FA Wilson
Journal of global health 11, 03086, 2021
The effect of telehealth interventions on quality of life of cancer patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis
JL Larson, AB Rosen, FA Wilson
Telemedicine and e-Health 24 (6), 397-405, 2018
Unauthorized immigrants spend less than other immigrants and US natives on health care
JP Stimpson, FA Wilson, D Su
Health Affairs 32 (7), 1313-1318, 2013
Trends in health care spending for immigrants in the United States
JP Stimpson, FA Wilson, K Eschbach
Health Affairs 29 (3), 544-550, 2010
Fatal crashes from drivers testing positive for drugs in the US, 1993–2010
FA Wilson, JP Stimpson, JA Pagán
Public Health Reports 129 (4), 342-350, 2014
The effect of telehealth interventions on quality of life of cancer survivors: A systematic review and meta-analysis
JL Larson, AB Rosen, FA Wilson
Health Informatics Journal 26 (2), 1060-1078, 2020
Mortality hazard and survival after tuberculosis treatment
TL Miller, FA Wilson, JW Pang, S Beavers, S Hoger, S Sharnprapai, ...
American journal of public health 105 (5), 930-937, 2015
Fatalities of pedestrians, bicycle riders, and motorists due to distracted driving motor vehicle crashes in the US, 2005–2010
JP Stimpson, FA Wilson, RL Muelleman
Public Health Reports 128 (6), 436-442, 2013
Medicaid expansion improved health insurance coverage for immigrants, but disparities persist
JP Stimpson, FA Wilson
Health Affairs 37 (10), 1656-1662, 2018
US policies increase vulnerability of immigrant communities to the COVID-19 pandemic
FA Wilson, JP Stimpson
Annals of global health 86 (1), 57, 2020
Recent findings on the prevalence of e-cigarette use among adults in the US
FA Wilson, Y Wang
American journal of preventive medicine 52 (3), 385-390, 2017
The importance of widespread testing for COVID-19 pandemic: systems thinking for drive-through testing sites
OM Araz, A Ramirez-Nafarrate, M Jehn, FA Wilson
Health Systems 9 (2), 119-123, 2020
Gasoline prices and their relationship to rising motorcycle fatalities, 1990–2007
FA Wilson, JP Stimpson, PE Hilsenrath
American journal of public health 99 (10), 1753-1758, 2009
The impact of school opening model on SARS-CoV-2 community incidence and mortality
Z Ertem, EM Schechter-Perkins, E Oster, P van den Berg, I Epshtein, ...
Nature Medicine 27 (12), 2120-2126, 2021
COVID-19 vaccine inequality: a global perspective
M Tatar, JM Shoorekchali, MR Faraji, MA Seyyedkolaee, JA Pagán, ...
Journal of global health 12, 03072, 2022
Legal mapping analysis of state telehealth reimbursement policies
KE Trout, S Rampa, FA Wilson, JP Stimpson
Telemedicine and e-Health 23 (10), 805-814, 2017
Impact of recreational marijuana legalization on crime: Evidence from Oregon
G Wu, M Wen, FA Wilson
Journal of criminal justice 72, 101742, 2021
Unauthorized immigrants prolong the life of Medicare’s trust fund
L Zallman, FA Wilson, JP Stimpson, A Bearse, L Arsenault, B Dube, ...
Journal of general internal medicine 31, 122-127, 2016
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