Tuan Anh Le
Tuan Anh Le
Senior Lecturer, Middlesex University London, UK
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Green radio: radio techniques to enable energy-efficient wireless networks
C Han, T Harrold, S Armour, I Krikidis, S Videv, PM Grant, H Haas, ...
IEEE communications magazine 49 (6), 46-54, 2011
Green radio communication networks (Chapter 11)
E Hossain, VK Bhargava, GP Fettweis
Cambridge University Press, 2012
Robust Chance-Constrained Optimization for Power-Efficient and Secure SWIPT Systems
TA Le, QT Vien, HX Nguyen, DWK Ng, R Schober
IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking 1 (3), 333-346, 2017
Secure Wireless Powered and Cooperative Jamming D2D Communications
Z Chu, HX Nguyen, TA Le, M Karamanoglu, E Ever, A Yazici
IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, 1-13, 2017
Optimising energy efficiency of non‐orthogonal multiple access for wireless backhaul in heterogeneous cloud radio access network
QT Vien, TA Le, B Barn, CV Phan
Iet Communications 10 (18), 2516-2524, 2016
Robust Probabilistic-Constrained Optimization for IRS-Aided MISO Communication Systems
TA Le, TV Chien, M Di Renzo
IEEE Wireless Communications Letter 10 (1), 1-5, 2021
Game theory based secure wireless powered D2D communications with cooperative jamming
Z Chu, HX Nguyen, TA Le, M Karamanoglu, D To, E Ever, FM Al-Turjman, ...
Wireless Days 2017, 2017
A comparative experimental design and performance analysis of snort-based intrusion detection system in practical computer networks
I Karim, QT Vien, TA Le, G Mapp
Computers 6 (1), 6, 2017
An iterative algorithm for downlink multi-cell beam-forming
TA Le, MR Nakhai
2011 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference-GLOBECOM 2011, 1-6, 2011
Possible power-saving gains by dividing a cell into tiers of smaller cells
TA Le, MR Nakhai
Electronics letters 46 (16), 1163-1165, 2010
A Successive Optimization Approach to Pilot Design for Multi-Cell Massive MIMO Systems
H Al-Salihi, TV Chien, TA Le, MR Nakhai
IEEE Communications Letters, 2018
Downlink optimization with interference pricing and statistical CSI
TA Le, MR Nakhai
IEEE Transactions on Communications 61 (6), 2339-2349, 2013
Power-efficient downlink transmission in multicell networks with limited wireless backhaul
TA Le, S Nasseri, A Zarrebini-Esfahani, MR Nakhai, A Mills
IEEE Wireless Communications 18 (5), 82-88, 2011
Secure information transmission and power transfer in cellular networks
TA Le, HX Nguyen, QT Vien, M Karamanoglu
IEEE Communications Letters 19 (9), 1532-1535, 2015
Coordinated beamforming using semidefinite programming
TA Le, MR Nakhai
2012 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 3790-3794, 2012
On the nanocommunications at THz band in graphene-enabled wireless network-on-chip
QT Vien, MO Agyeman, TA Le, T Mak
Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 1-13, 2017
An energy-efficient NOMA for small cells in heterogeneous CRAN under QoS constraints
QT Vien, TA Le, CV Phan, MO Agyeman
IEEE, 2017
Distributed Power Control in Downlink Cellular Massive MIMO Systems
TV Chien, E Björnson, EG Larsson, TA Le
IEEE ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas (WSA 2018), 1-7, 2018
A Stackelberg-Game Approach for Disaster-Recovery Communications Utilizing Cooperative D2D
Z Chu, TA Le, HX Nguyen, A Nallanathan, M Karamanoglu
IEEE Access 5, 1-10, 2017
Downlink beamforming in underlay cognitive cellular networks
TA Le, K Navaie
IEEE transactions on communications 62 (7), 2212-2223, 2014
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