Stéphanie Baumberger
Stéphanie Baumberger
Professeur Chimie verte, AgroParisTech
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Toward a better understanding of the lignin isolation process from wood
A Guerra, I Filpponen, LA Lucia, C Saquing, S Baumberger, ...
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 54 (16), 5939-5947, 2006
Molar mass determination of lignins by size-exclusion chromatography: towards standardisation of the method
S Baumberger, A Abaecherli, M Fasching, G Gellerstedt, R Gosselink, ...
Walter de Gruyter 61 (4), 459-468, 2007
Potential of lignins as antioxidant additive in active biodegradable packaging materials
S Domenek, A Louaifi, A Guinault, S Baumberger
Journal of Polymers and the Environment 21, 692-701, 2013
Lignin–polymer blends: evaluation of compatibility by image analysis
C Pouteau, S Baumberger, B Cathala, P Dole
Comptes rendus. Biologies 327 (9-10), 935-943, 2004
Shifting the optimal pH of activity for a laccase from the fungus Trametes versicolor by structure-based mutagenesis
C Madzak, MC Mimmi, E Caminade, A Brault, S Baumberger, P Briozzo, ...
Protein Engineering Design and Selection 19 (2), 77-84, 2006
Use of kraft lignin as filler for starch films
S Baumberger, C Lapierre, B Monties, G Della Valle
Polymer Degradation and Stability 59 (1-3), 273-277, 1998
Effect of pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis of wheat straw on cell wall composition, hydrophobicity and cellulase adsorption
S Heiss-Blanquet, D Zheng, NL Ferreira, C Lapierre, S Baumberger
Bioresource technology 102 (10), 5938-5946, 2011
Utilization of pine kraft lignin in starch composites: impact of structural heterogeneity
S Baumberger, C Lapierre, B Monties
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 46 (6), 2234-2240, 1998
Impact of lignin structure and cell wall reticulation on maize cell wall degradability
Y Zhang, T Culhaoglu, B Pollet, C Melin, D Denoue, Y Barriere, ...
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 59 (18), 10129-10135, 2011
Lignin incorporation combined with electron-beam irradiation improves the surface water resistance of starch films
S Lepifre, M Froment, F Cazaux, S Houot, D Lourdin, X Coqueret, ...
Biomacromolecules 5 (5), 1678-1686, 2004
Preparation and properties of thermally moulded and cast lignosulfonates-starch blends
S Baumberger, C Lapierre, B Monties, D Lourdin, P Colonna
Industrial Crops and Products 6 (3-4), 253-258, 1997
Using transgenic poplars to elucidate the relationship between the structure and the thermal properties of lignins
S Baumberger, P Dole, C Lapierre
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 50 (8), 2450-2453, 2002
Oleosins of Arabidopsis thaliana:  Expression in Escherichia coli, Purification, and Functional Properties
É Roux, S Baumberger, MAV Axelos, T Chardot
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 52 (16), 5245-5249, 2004
Peroxidase activity can dictate the in vitro lignin dehydrogenative polymer structure
V Méchin, S Baumberger, B Pollet, C Lapierre
Phytochemistry 68 (4), 571-579, 2007
Arabidopsis peroxidase-catalyzed copolymerization of coniferyl and sinapyl alcohols: kinetics of an endwise process
N Demont-Caulet, C Lapierre, L Jouanin, S Baumberger, V Méchin
Phytochemistry 71 (14-15), 1673-1683, 2010
Chemical characterisation and gelling properties of cell wall polysaccharides from species of Ulva (Ulvales, Chlorophyta)
M Lahaye, B Ray, S Baumberger, B Quemener, MAV Axelos
Fifteenth International Seaweed Symposium: Proceedings of the Fifteenth …, 1996
Imidazolium‐Based Ionic Liquids as Efficient Reagents for the C− O Bond Cleavage of Lignin
M Thierry, A Majira, B Pegot, L Cezard, F Bourdreux, G Clément, ...
ChemSusChem 11 (2), 439-448, 2018
Enhancing the antioxidant activity of technical lignins by combining solvent fractionation and ionic‐liquid treatment
A Majira, B Godon, L Foulon, JC van Der Putten, L Cézard, M Thierry, ...
ChemSusChem 12 (21), 4799-4809, 2019
Use of food and packaging model matrices to investigate the antioxidant properties of biorefinery grass lignins
V Aguié-Béghin, L Foulon, P Soto, D Crônier, E Corti, F Legée, L Cezard, ...
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 63 (45), 10022-10031, 2015
Sphingobacterium sp. T2 Manganese Superoxide Dismutase Catalyzes the Oxidative Demethylation of Polymeric Lignin via Generation of Hydroxyl Radical
GMM Rashid, X Zhang, RC Wilkinson, V Fülöp, B Cottyn, ...
ACS Chemical Biology 13 (10), 2920-2929, 2018
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