Maria Fekete Farkas
Maria Fekete Farkas
Kiti vardaiFarkasné Fekete Mária
Hungarian University Of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Why not green marketing? Determinates of consumers’ intention to green purchase decision in a new developing nation
M Nekmahmud, M Fekete-Farkas
Sustainability 12 (19), 7880, 2020
Transforming consumers' intention to purchase green products: Role of social media
M Nekmahmud, F Naz, H Ramkissoon, M Fekete-Farkas
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 185, 122067, 2022
Green purchase and sustainable consumption: A comparative study between European and non-European tourists
M Nekmahmud, H Ramkissoon, M Fekete-Farkas
Tourism Management Perspectives 43, 100980, 2022
Socio-economic scenario development for the assessment of climate change impacts on agricultural land use: a pairwise comparison approach
J Abildtrup, E Audsley, M Fekete-Farkas, C Giupponi, M Gylling, P Rosato, ...
Environmental science & policy 9 (2), 101-115, 2006
Factors influencing consumer behavior and prospective purchase decisions in a dynamic pricing environment—an exploratory factor analysis approach
V Victor, J Joy Thoppan, R Jeyakumar Nathan, F Farkas Maria
Social Sciences 7 (9), 153, 2018
Workplace health promotion, employee wellbeing and loyalty during COVID-19 Pandemic—Large scale empirical evidence from Hungary
E Gorgenyi-Hegyes, RJ Nathan, M Fekete-Farkas
Economies 9 (2), 55, 2021
FinTech adoption drivers for innovation for SMEs in Indonesia
DP Nugraha, B Setiawan, RJ Nathan, M Fekete-Farkas
Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity 8 (4), 208, 2022
Digital technology adoption in SMEs: what technological, environmental and organizational factors influence in emerging countries?
MMH Shahadat, M Nekmahmud, P Ebrahimi, M Fekete-Farkas
Global Business Review, 09721509221137199, 2023
Social networks marketing and consumer purchase behavior: The combination of SEM and unsupervised machine learning approaches
P Ebrahimi, M Basirat, A Yousefi, M Nekmahmud, A Gholampour, ...
Big Data and Cognitive Computing 6 (2), 35, 2022
How do environmental knowledge, eco-label knowledge, and green trust impact consumers’ pro-environmental behaviour for energy-efficient household appliances?
I Hossain, M Nekmahmud, M Fekete-Farkas
Sustainability 14 (11), 6513, 2022
Tourists’ use of Airbnb app for visiting a historical city
RJ Nathan, V Victor, M Tan, M Fekete-Farkas
Information Technology & Tourism 22 (2), 217-242, 2020
Theoretical nexus of knowledge management and tourism business enterprise competitiveness: An integrated overview
H Ogutu, GFC Adol, Z Bujdosó, B Andrea, M Fekete-Farkas, LD Dávid
Sustainability 15 (3), 1948, 2023
Why organic food? Factors influence the organic food purchase intension in an emerging country (study from northern part of Bangladesh)
S Akter, S Ali, M Fekete-Farkas, C Fogarassy, Z Lakner
Resources 12 (1), 5, 2023
Competitive factors of fashion retail sector with special focus on SMEs
G Gonda, E Gorgenyi-Hegyes, RJ Nathan, M Fekete-Farkas
Economies 8 (4), 95, 2020
The impact of perceived sustainable marketing policies on green customer satisfaction
SA Vafaei, I Azmoon, M Fekete-Farkas
Polish Journal of Management Studies 19 (1), 475-491, 2019
Digital technologies for firms’ competitive advantage and improved supply chain performance
MMH Shahadat, AHMY Chowdhury, RJ Nathan, M Fekete-Farkas
Journal of Risk and Financial Management 16 (2), 94, 2023
A SEM-NCA approach towards social networks marketing: Evaluating consumers’ sustainable purchase behavior with the moderating role of eco-friendly attitude
P Ebrahimi, D Khajeheian, M Fekete-Farkas
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (24), 13276, 2021
Identifying the key factors of sustainable entrepreneurship in the Nigerian food industry: The role of media availability
B Yakubu, A Salamzadeh, P Bouzari, P Ebrahimi, M Fekete-Farkas
Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review 10 (2), 2022
Food innovation adoption and organic food consumerism—A cross national study between Malaysia and Hungary
R Jeyakumar Nathan, Soekmawati, V Victor, J Popp, M Fekete-Farkas, ...
Foods 10 (2), 363, 2021
Startups and consumer purchase behavior: Application of support vector machine algorithm
P Ebrahimi, A Salamzadeh, M Soleimani, SM Khansari, H Zarea, ...
Big Data and Cognitive Computing 6 (2), 34, 2022
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