Qihou Zhou
Qihou Zhou
Patvirtintas el. paštas
The micrometeoroid mass flux into the upper atmosphere: Arecibo results and a comparison with prior estimates
JD Mathews, D Janches, DD Meisel, QH Zhou
Geophysical Research Letters 28 (10), 1929-1932, 2001
First observation of meteoritic charged dust in the tropical mesosphere
LJ Gelinas, KA Lynch, MC Kelley, S Collins, S Baker, Q Zhou, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 25 (21), 4047-4050, 1998
Very high resolution studies of micrometeors using the Arecibo 430 MHz radar
JD Mathews, DD Meisel, KP Hunter, VS Getman, Q Zhou
Icarus 126 (1), 157-169, 1997
Micrometeor observations using the Arecibo 430 MHz radar: I. Determination of the ballistic parameter from measured Doppler velocity and deceleration results
D Janches, JD Mathews, DD Meisel, QH Zhou
Icarus 145 (1), 53-63, 2000
Lidar, radar, and airglow observations of a large sporadic Na/Sporadic E layer event at Arecibo during AIDA-89
TJ Kane, CS Gardner, Q Zhou, JDMCA Tepley
Journal of atmospheric and terrestrial physics 55 (3), 499-511, 1993
Common volume coherent and incoherent scatter radar observations of mid-latitude sporadic E-layers and QP echoes
DL Hysell, MF Larsen, QH Zhou
Annales Geophysicae 22 (9), 3277-3290, 2004
A study of the role of ion–molecule chemistry in the formation of sporadic sodium layers
SC Collins, JMC Plane, MC Kelley, TG Wright, P Soldán, TJ Kane, ...
Journal of atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics 64 (7), 845-860, 2002
On the geocentric micrometeor velocity distribution
D Janches, MC Nolan, DD Meisel, JD Mathews, QH Zhou, DE Moser
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 108 (A6), 2003
An analysis of tidal and planetary waves in the neutral winds and temperature observed at low‐latitude E region heights
QH Zhou, MP Sulzer, CA Tepley
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 102 (A6), 11491-11505, 1997
Seasonal variability and descent of mid-latitude sporadic E layers at Arecibo
N Christakis, C Haldoupis, Q Zhou, C Meek
Annales Geophysicae 27 (3), 923-931, 2009
Observations of ion layer motions during the AIDA campaign
JD Mathews, YT Morton, Q Zhou
Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 55 (3), 447-457, 1993
Implications of meteor observations by the MU radar
QH Zhou, JD Mathews, T Nakamura
Geophysical research letters 28 (7), 1399-1402, 2001
Meteor observations by the Arecibo 430 MHz incoherent scatter radar—I. Results from time-integrated observations
Q Zhou, CA Tepley, MP Sulzer
Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 57 (4), 421-431, 1995
A proposed temperature dependent mechanism for the formation of sporadic sodium layers
Q Zhou, JD Mathews, CA Tepley
Journal of atmospheric and terrestrial physics 55 (3), 513-521, 1993
Numerical simulations of gravity waves imaged over Arecibo during the 10‐day January 1993 campaign
MP Hickey, RL Walterscheid, MJ Taylor, W Ward, G Schubert, Q Zhou, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 102 (A6), 11475-11489, 1997
GPS civil signal self-interference mitigation during weak signal acquisition
YT Morton, M Miller, J Tsui, D Lin, Q Zhou
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 55 (12), 5859-5863, 2007
Upper atmospheric observations at the Arecibo Observatory: Examples obtained using new capabilities
B Isham, CA Tepley, MP Sulzer, QH Zhou, MC Kelley, JS Friedman, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 105 (A8), 18609-18637, 2000
Lidar observations of Ca and K metallic layers from Arecibo and comparison with micrometeor sporadic activity
S Raizada, CA Tepley, D Janches, JS Friedman, Q Zhou, JD Mathews
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 66 (6-9), 595-606, 2004
Doppler studies of near-antapex UHF radar micrometeors
D Janches, JD Mathews, DD Meisel, VS Getman, QH Zhou
Icarus 143 (2), 347-353, 2000
Observations of ion and sodium layer coupled processes during AIDA
JD Mathews, Q Zhou, CR Philbrick, YT Morton, CS Gardner
Journal of atmospheric and terrestrial physics 55 (3), 487-498, 1993
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