Majid Kazemian
Majid Kazemian
Departments of Biochemistry & Computer Science, Purdue University
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
FlyFactorSurvey: a database of Drosophila transcription factor binding specificities determined using the bacterial one-hybrid system
LJ Zhu, RG Christensen, M Kazemian, CJ Hull, MS Enuameh, ...
Nucleic acids research 39 (suppl_1), D111-D117, 2011
Autocrine vitamin D signaling switches off pro-inflammatory programs of TH1 cells
D Chauss, T Freiwald, R McGregor, B Yan, L Wang, E Nova-Lamperti, ...
Nature immunology 23 (1), 62-74, 2022
SARS-CoV-2 drives JAK1/2-dependent local complement hyperactivation
B Yan, T Freiwald, D Chauss, L Wang, E West, C Mirabelli, CJ Zhang, ...
Science immunology 6 (58), eabg0833, 2021
BACH2 immunodeficiency illustrates an association between super-enhancers and haploinsufficiency
B Afzali, J Grönholm, J Vandrovcova, C O'Brien, HW Sun, I Vanderleyden, ...
Nature immunology 18 (7), 813-823, 2017
Opposing roles of STAT1 and STAT3 in IL-21 function in CD4+ T cells
CK Wan, AB Andraski, R Spolski, P Li, M Kazemian, J Oh, L Samsel, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (30), 9394-9399, 2015
Widespread evidence of cooperative DNA binding by transcription factors in Drosophila development
M Kazemian, H Pham, SA Wolfe, MH Brodsky, S Sinha
Nucleic acids research 41 (17), 8237-8252, 2013
Human retinoic acid–regulated CD161+ regulatory T cells support wound repair in intestinal mucosa
GAM Povoleri, E Nova-Lamperti, C Scottà, G Fanelli, YC Chen, PD Becker, ...
Nature immunology 19 (12), 1403-1414, 2018
Prediction of Breeding Values for Dairy Cattle Using Artificial Neural Networks and Neuro‐Fuzzy Systems
S Shahinfar, H Mehrabani-Yeganeh, C Lucas, A Kalhor, M Kazemian, ...
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 2012 (1), 127130, 2012
Mitochondrial C5aR1 activity in macrophages controls IL-1β production underlying sterile inflammation
N Niyonzima, J Rahman, N Kunz, EE West, T Freiwald, JV Desai, ...
Science immunology 6 (66), eabf2489, 2021
Global analysis of Drosophila Cys2-His2 zinc finger proteins reveals a multitude of novel recognition motifs and binding determinants
MS Enuameh, Y Asriyan, A Richards, RG Christensen, VL Hall, ...
Genome research 23 (6), 928-940, 2013
Diapedesis-induced integrin signaling via LFA-1 facilitates tissue immunity by inducing intrinsic complement C3 expression in immune cells
M Kolev, EE West, N Kunz, D Chauss, EA Moseman, J Rahman, ...
Immunity 52 (3), 513-527. e8, 2020
Quantitative Analysis of the Drosophila Segmentation Regulatory Network Using Pattern Generating Potentials
M Kazemian, C Blatti, A Richards, M McCutchan, N Wakabayashi-Ito, ...
PLoS biology 8 (8), e1000456, 2010
Critical functions for STAT5 tetramers in the maturation and survival of natural killer cells
JX Lin, N Du, P Li, M Kazemian, T Gebregiorgis, R Spolski, WJ Leonard
Nature communications 8 (1), 1320, 2017
Aggregation of web search engines based on users’ preferences in WebFusion
AH Keyhanipour, B Moshiri, M Kazemian, M Piroozmand, C Lucas
Knowledge-Based Systems 20 (4), 321-328, 2007
Motif-blind, genome-wide discovery of cis-regulatory modules in Drosophila and mouse
MR Kantorovitz, M Kazemian, S Kinston, D Miranda-Saavedra, Q Zhu, ...
Developmental cell 17 (4), 568-579, 2009
TCF-1 controls Treg cell functions that regulate inflammation, CD8+ T cell cytotoxicity and severity of colon cancer
A Osman, B Yan, Y Li, KD Pavelko, J Quandt, A Saadalla, MP Singh, ...
Nature immunology 22 (9), 1152-1162, 2021
Computational identification of diverse mechanisms underlying transcription factor-DNA occupancy
Q Cheng, M Kazemian, H Pham, C Blatti, SE Celniker, SA Wolfe, ...
PLoS genetics 9 (8), e1003571, 2013
Improved accuracy of supervised CRM discovery with interpolated Markov models and cross-species comparison
M Kazemian, Q Zhu, MS Halfon, S Sinha
Nucleic acids research 39 (22), 9463-9472, 2011
The role of transcription factors in shaping regulatory T cell identity
JL Trujillo-Ochoa, M Kazemian, B Afzali
Nature Reviews Immunology 23 (12), 842-856, 2023
EBV-associated diseases: Current therapeutics and emerging technologies
S Chakravorty, B Afzali, M Kazemian
Frontiers in immunology 13, 1059133, 2022
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