Jeffrey A Back
Jeffrey A Back
Baylor University - Center for Reservoir and Aquatic Sciences Research (CRASR)
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Freshwater eutrophication drives sharp reductions in temporal beta diversity
SC Cook, L Housley, JA Back, RS King
Ecology 99 (1), 47-56, 2018
Does nutrient enrichment decouple algal–bacterial production in periphyton?
JT Scott, JA Back, JM Taylor, RS King
Journal of the North American Benthological Society 27 (2), 332-344, 2008
Sex and size matter: ontogenetic patterns of nutrient content of aquatic insects
JA Back, RS King
Freshwater Science 32 (3), 837-848, 2013
Alder cover drives nitrogen availability in Kenai lowland headwater streams, Alaska
RS Shaftel, RS King, JA Back
Biogeochemistry 107, 135-148, 2012
Polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) contamination in Galveston Bay, Texas: Comparing concentrations and profiles in sediments, passive samplers, and fish
EM Oziolor, JN Apell, ZC Winfield, JA Back, S Usenko, CW Matson
Environmental Pollution 236, 609-618, 2018
Influence of drought and total phosphorus on diel pH in wadeable streams: implications for ecological risk assessment of ionizable contaminants
TW Valenti, JM Taylor, JA Back, RS King, BW Brooks
Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 7 (4), 636-647, 2011
The role of N2 fixation in alleviating N limitation in wetland metaphyton: enzymatic, isotopic, and elemental evidence
JT Scott, RD Doyle, JA Back, SI Dworkin
Biogeochemistry 84, 207-218, 2007
Microbial community structure and function decoupling across a phosphorus gradient in streams
ES LeBrun, RS King, JA Back, S Kang
Microbial Ecology 75, 64-73, 2018
Effects of pulsed atrazine exposures on autotrophic community structure, biomass, and production in field‐based stream mesocosms
RS King, RA Brain, JA Back, C Becker, MV Wright, V Toteu Djomte, ...
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 35 (3), 660-675, 2016
Influence of nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations and ratios on Lemna gibba growth responses to triclosan in laboratory and stream mesocosm experiments
BA Fulton, RA Brain, S Usenko, JA Back, RS King, BW Brooks
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28 (12), 2610-2621, 2009
Ontogenic differences in mayfly stoichiometry influence growth rates in response to phosphorus enrichment
JA Back, JM Taylor, RS King, KL Fallert, EH Hintzen
Fundamental and applied limnology 171 (3), 233, 2008
Breakdown rates, nutrient concentrations, and macroinvertebrate colonization of bluejoint grass litter in headwater streams of the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
RS Shaftel, RS King, JA Back
Journal of the North American Benthological Society 30 (2), 386-398, 2011
Catchment topography and wetland geomorphology drive macroinvertebrate community structure and juvenile salmonid distributions in south-central Alaska headwater streams
RS King, CM Walker, DF Whigham, SJ Baird, JA Back
Freshwater Science 31 (2), 341-364, 2012
Allochthonous inputs from grass-dominated wetlands support juvenile salmonids in headwater streams: evidence from stable isotopes of carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen
MP Dekar, RS King, JA Back, DF Whigham, CM Walker
Freshwater Science 31 (1), 121-132, 2012
Grazing minnows increase benthic autotrophy and enhance the response of periphyton elemental composition to experimental phosphorus additions
JM Taylor, JA Back, RS King
Freshwater Science 31 (2), 451-462, 2012
Spatial, temporal and experimental: three study design cornerstones for establishing defensible numeric criteria in freshwater ecosystems
JM Taylor, JA Back, BW Brooks, RS King
Journal of Applied Ecology 55 (5), 2114-2123, 2018
Fish-mediated nutrient cycling and benthic microbial processes: can consumers influence stream nutrient cycling at multiple spatial scales?
JM Taylor, JA Back, TW Valenti, RS King
Freshwater Science 31 (3), 928-944, 2012
A comparison of four commercially available RNA extraction kits for wastewater surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 in a college population
M O'Brien, ZC Rundell, MD Nemec, LM Langan, JA Back, JN Lugo
Science of The Total Environment 801, 149595, 2021
Rivers may constitute an overlooked avenue of dispersal for terrestrial fungi
ES LeBrun, DL Taylor, RS King, JA Back, S Kang
Fungal Ecology 32 (1), 72-79, 2018
Low‐level addition of dissolved organic carbon increases basal ecosystem function in a boreal headwater stream
CJ Robbins, RS King, AD Yeager, CM Walker, JA Back, RD Doyle, ...
Ecosphere 8 (4), e01739, 2017
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