Povilas Simonis
Povilas Simonis
Bioelectrochemistry laboratory, Center for Physical Sciences and Technology, Lithuania
El. paštas nepatvirtintas
The link between yeast cell wall porosity and plasma membrane permeability after PEF treatment
A Stirke, R Celiesiute-Germaniene, A Zimkus, N Zurauskiene, P Simonis, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 14731, 2019
Pulsed electric field effects on inactivation of microorganisms in acid whey
P Simonis, S Kersulis, V Stankevich, K Sinkevic, K Striguniene, G Ragoza, ...
International Journal of Food Microbiology 291, 128-134, 2019
Caspase dependent apoptosis induced in yeast cells by nanosecond pulsed electric fields
P Simonis, S Kersulis, V Stankevich, V Kaseta, E Lastauskiene, A Stirke
Bioelectrochemistry 115, 19-25, 2017
Compact square-wave pulse electroporator with controlled electroporation efficiency and cell viability
V Stankevic, P Simonis, N Zurauskiene, A Stirke, A Dervinis, V Bleizgys, ...
Symmetry 12 (3), 412, 2020
Electroporation assisted improvement of freezing tolerance in yeast cells
P Simonis, A Linkeviciute, A Stirke
Foods 10 (1), 170, 2021
Mediated amperometry as a prospective method for the investigation of electroporation
P Simonis, R Garjonyte, A Stirke
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 19094, 2020
Development of a disposable polyacrylamide hydrogel-based semipermeable membrane for micro ag/agcl reference electrode
E Andriukonis, M Butkevicius, P Simonis, A Ramanavicius
Sensors 23 (5), 2510, 2023
Electroporation Assisted Improvement of Freezing Tolerance in Yeast Cells. Foods 2021, 10, 170
P Simonis, A Linkeviciute, A Stirke
s Note: MDPI stays neu-tral with regard to jurisdictional clai-ms in …, 2021
Induction of apoptosis in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiaecells using nanosecond high power electrical pulses
A Stirke, P Simonis, E Lastauskiene, V Stankevic
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