Ataollah Kavian
Effects of rainfall patterns on runoff and soil erosion in field plots
MA Mohamadi, A Kavian
International soil and water conservation research 3 (4), 273-281, 2015
Shallow landslide susceptibility assessment using a novel hybrid intelligence approach
A Shirzadi, DT Bui, BT Pham, K Solaimani, K Chapi, A Kavian, H Shahabi, ...
Environmental Earth Sciences 76, 1-18, 2017
Novel GIS based machine learning algorithms for shallow landslide susceptibility mapping
A Shirzadi, K Soliamani, M Habibnejhad, A Kavian, K Chapi, H Shahabi, ...
Sensors 18 (11), 3777, 2018
Uncertainties of prediction accuracy in shallow landslide modeling: Sample size and raster resolution
A Shirzadi, K Solaimani, MH Roshan, A Kavian, K Chapi, H Shahabi, ...
Catena 178, 172-188, 2019
Mapping landslide susceptibility with frequency ratio, statistical index, and weights of evidence models: a case study in northern Iran
S Razavizadeh, K Solaimani, M Massironi, A Kavian
Environmental Earth Sciences 76, 1-16, 2017
Landslide susceptibility mapping based on frequency ratio and logistic regression models
K Solaimani, SZ Mousavi, A Kavian
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 6, 2557-2569, 2013
GIS-based spatial prediction of landslide susceptibility using logistic regression model
SZ Mousavi, A Kavian, K Soleimani, SR Mousavi, A Shirzadi
Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk 2 (1), 33-50, 2011
Evaluation of multi-hazard map produced using MaxEnt machine learning technique
N Javidan, A Kavian, HR Pourghasemi, C Conoscenti, Z Jafarian, ...
Scientific reports 11 (1), 6496, 2021
Spatial prediction of soil erosion susceptibility using a fuzzy analytical network process: Application of the fuzzy decision making trial and evaluation laboratory approach
AK Farzaneh Sajedi‐Hosseini, Bahram Choubin, Karim Solaimani, Artemi Cerdà
Land Degradation and Development, 2018
Rock fall susceptibility assessment along a mountainous road: an evaluation of bivariate statistic, analytical hierarchy process and frequency ratio
A Shirzadi, K Chapi, H Shahabi, K Solaimani, A Kavian, BB Ahmad
Environmental Earth Sciences 76, 1-17, 2017
Land use/cover change and driving force analyses in parts of northern Iran using RS and GIS techniques.
A Kelarestaghi, Z Jafarian Jeloudar
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 4, 2011
Spatial variability of some chemical and physical soil properties in Nesho Mountainous Rangelands
H Kavianpoor, AE Ouri, ZJ Jeloudar, A Kavian
Am J Environ Eng 2 (1), 34-44, 2012
Deforestation effects on soil properties, runoff and erosion in northern Iran
A Kavian, A Azmoodeh, K Solaimani
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 7, 1941-1950, 2014
Simulating the effects of land use changes on soil erosion using RUSLE model
A Kavian, S Hoseinpoor Sabet, K Solaimani, B Jafari
Geocarto International 32 (1), 97-111, 2017
Variability of soil erosion intensity due to vegetation cover changes: Case study of Orahovacka Rijeka, Montenegro
G Nikolic, V Spalevic, M Curovic, AK Darvishan, G Skataric, M Pajic, ...
Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca 47 (1), 237-248, 2019
Impact of different parts of skid trails on runoff and soil erosion in the Hyrcanian forest (northern Iran)
A Safari, A Kavian, A Parsakhoo, I Saleh, A Jordán
Geoderma 263, 161-167, 2016
Tillage versus no-tillage. Soil properties and hydrology in an organic persimmon farm in Eastern Iberian Peninsula
A Cerdà, J Rodrigo-Comino, T Yakupoğlu, T Dindaroğlu, E Terol, ...
Water 12 (6), 1539, 2020
Soil and water conservation using biochar and various soil moisture in laboratory conditions
L Gholami, N Karimi, A Kavian
Catena 182, 104151, 2019
Effects of land-use change on soil organic carbon and nitrogen
Z Jafarian, A Kavian
Communications in soil science and plant analysis 44 (1-4), 339-346, 2013
Assessment of the spatiotemporal effects of land use changes on runoff and nitrate loads in the Talar River
A Kavian, M Mohammadi, L Gholami, J Rodrigo-Comino
Water 10 (4), 445, 2018
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