Kenneth Karlin
Kenneth Karlin
Professor of Chemistry, Johns Hopkins University
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Metalloenzymes, structural motifs, and inorganic models
KD Karlin
Science 261 (5122), 701-708, 1993
Bioinorganic chemistry of copper
KD Karlin, Z Tyeklár
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
Reversible reaction of dioxygen (and carbon monoxide) with a copper (I) complex. X-ray structures of relevant mononuclear Cu (I) precursor adducts and the trans-(. mu.-1, 2 …
Z Tyeklar, RR Jacobson, N Wei, NN Murthy, J Zubieta, KD Karlin
Journal of the American Chemical Society 115 (7), 2677-2689, 1993
Nitric Oxide in Biological Denitrification:  Fe/Cu Metalloenzyme and Metal Complex NOx Redox Chemistry
IM Wasser, S De Vries, P Moënne-Loccoz, I Schröder, KD Karlin
Chemical Reviews 102 (4), 1201-1234, 2002
A copper-oxygen (Cu2-O2) complex. Crystal structure and characterization of a reversible dioxygen binding system
RR Jacobson, Z Tyeklar, A Farooq, KD Karlin, S Liu, J Zubieta
Journal of the American Chemical Society 110 (11), 3690-3692, 1988
Synthetic models for heme− copper oxidases
E Kim, EE Chufán, K Kamaraj, KD Karlin
Chemical reviews 104 (2), 1077-1134, 2004
Kinetics and thermodynamics of copper (I)/dioxygen interaction
KD Karlin, S Kaderli, AD Zuberbühler
Accounts of chemical research 30 (3), 139-147, 1997
Copper coordination chemistry: biochemical & inorganic perspectives
KD Karlin, J Zubieta
(No Title), 1983
Copper-mediated hydroxylation of an arene: model system for the action of copper monooxygenases. Structures of a binuclear copper (I) complex and its oxygenated product
KD Karlin, JC Hayes, Y Gultneh, RW Cruse, JW McKown, JP Hutchinson, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 106 (7), 2121-2128, 1984
Biomimetic oxidations catalyzed by transition metal complexes
B Meunier, G Brudvig, JL Mclain, S Murahashi, VL Pecoraro, D Riley, ...
World Scientific, 2000
Oxidant types in copper–dioxygen chemistry: the ligand coordination defines the Cu n -O2 structure and subsequent reactivity
LQ Hatcher, KD Karlin
JBIC Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry 9, 669-683, 2004
Binding and activation of molecular oxygen by copper complexes
KD Karlin, Y Gultneh
Progress in inorganic chemistry, 219-327, 1987
Hydrogen peroxide as a sustainable energy carrier: Electrocatalytic production of hydrogen peroxide and the fuel cell
S Fukuzumi, Y Yamada, KD Karlin
Electrochimica acta 82, 493-511, 2012
Tetragonal vs. trigonal coordination in copper (II) complexes with tripod ligands: structures and properties of [Cu (C21H24N4) Cl] PF6 and [Cu (C18H18N4) Cl] PF6
KD Karlin, JC Hayes, S Juen, JP Hutchinson, J Zubieta
Inorganic Chemistry 21 (11), 4106-4108, 1982
Copper-dioxygen chemistry: a bioinorganic challenge
Z Tyeklar, KD Karlin
Accounts of Chemical Research 22 (7), 241-248, 1989
Reactions of a Copper (II) Superoxo Complex Lead to CÀH and OÀH Substrate Oxygenation: Modeling Copper-Monooxygenase CÀH Hydroxylation
D Maiti, DH Lee, K Gaoutchenova, C Würtele, MC Holthausen, ...
Angew. Chem 120, 88-91, 2008
Copper–dioxygen complex mediated C–H bond oxygenation: relevance for particulate methane monooxygenase (pMMO)
RA Himes, KD Karlin
Current opinion in chemical biology 13 (1), 119-131, 2009
Activation of dioxygen by copper metalloproteins and insights from model complexes
DA Quist, DE Diaz, JJ Liu, KD Karlin
JBIC Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry 22, 253-288, 2017
Kinetics and thermodynamics of formation of copper-dioxygen adducts: Oxygenation of mononuclear copper (I) complexes containing tripodal tetradentate ligands
KD Karlin, N Wei, B Jung, S Kaderli, P Niklaus, AD Zuberbuehler
Journal of the American Chemical Society 115 (21), 9506-9514, 1993
Copper (I)− dioxygen reactivity of [(L) CuI]+(L= Tris (2-pyridylmethyl) amine): kinetic/thermodynamic and spectroscopic studies concerning the formation of Cu− O2 and Cu2− O2 …
CX Zhang, S Kaderli, M Costas, E Kim, YM Neuhold, KD Karlin, ...
Inorganic Chemistry 42 (6), 1807-1824, 2003
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